GLEE: 'Lights Out' Photo Preview - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Saturday, March 08, 2025

GLEE: ‘Lights Out’ Photo Preview

April 18, 2013 by  

The glee club is going acoustic!

In the April 25th episode of GLEE, the club is going “Lights Out” for their latest assignment and will have to work on acoustic songs.

Take a look at some photos from the hour…

GLEE: 'Lights Out'

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GLEE: Blaine (Darren Criss) does some investigating in the "Lights Out" episode of GLEE airing Thursday, April 25 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2013 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Eddy Chen/FOX

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Filed under Glee, Glee Spoilers


One Response to “GLEE: ‘Lights Out’ Photo Preview”

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