Report: Steve Carell to Appear in THE OFFICE Series Finale - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Report: Steve Carell to Appear in THE OFFICE Series Finale

May 6, 2013 by  

THE OFFICE viewers may not have seen the last of Michael Scott after all: TVLine is reporting that Steve Carell (Michael) will appear in the upcoming series finale. (A rep for NBC had no comment.)

While the notion of saying goodbye to the characters of Dunder-Mifflin sans some sort of acknowledgement to Michael — who was the center of the series for seven years — always seemed a bit unthinkable (though everyone and their sister has denied Carell would return in recent months), there’s a really big part of me that wishes this had been kept a surprise. We might have suspected it was coming, but how fantastic would it have been if Carell was just suddenly on our screens for the finale?

Are you excited it seems Carell will be returning in some form to THE OFFICE for the final episode?

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2 Responses to “Report: Steve Carell to Appear in THE OFFICE Series Finale”

  1. Kyle on May 6th, 2013 3:24 pm

    I suspected he might be back based on the way Greg Daniels answered this very question on a press call last week. However, you said you wish you didn’t know–then why are you posting/tweeting this news, spreading it and ruining it for others?! I purposely stopped following TVLine & Ausiello a long time ago to avoid their spoiler-filled tweets and posts. I still like to be surprised when watching TV, and they seem to want to spoil it for everyone.

    That said, I don’t think the series finale would be complete without Michael Scott making an appearance.

  2. Marisa Roffman on May 6th, 2013 3:30 pm

    @Kyle: That’s fair, and I opted to not post the rumors when it seemed to just BE rumors. Unfortunately, once it’s stated definitively by someone, then I felt it had to be addressed. :-\