FALLING SKIES: The Stars Tease 'Journey to Xilbalba' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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FALLING SKIES: The Stars Tease ‘Journey to Xilbalba’

July 28, 2013 by  

Tonight’s penultimate episode of FALLING SKIES season 3 is big. Very big. In fact, it’s so big, that in the interest of not ruining too much (I was on the Vancouver set for one of the key scenes of the hour), I’m just going to let the stars of the show tease what’s coming your way…

Noah Wyle (Tom): “It’s a big day. We’re covered in rubble and debris, trying to dig our way out of the subterranean city…this mole we’ve been teasing all season has upped their game in an effort to destroy both our new allies with the Volm and the weapon they’ve constructed which has the potential to disrupt the entire war-plan. And this is the episode where we put all the pieces together of who that was…it’s pretty devastating.”

Doug Jones (Cochise): “This is the second-to-last episode of the season, and you will see, for me personally, Cochise have his most vulnerable moment…because he does not come across as vulnerable at all. So to have a [weaker] moment is kind of charming. I have a scene with Noah that was touching. So the trust between us is solidified…that vulnerability comes from a catastrophic event…one of those life changing events for Charleston happens, and it’s gonna be like, ‘Whoa. Now what?'”

Colin Cunningham (Pope): “I don’t have as much to play in this particular episode…[There’s an] explosion, massive cave-in, so they’re stuck underground. Pope is up on top trying to clear the rubble, trying to fight for their lives…Really, really, good stuff.”

Will Patton (Colonel Weaver): “I’m above-ground, trying to dig them out.”

Sarah Carter (Maggie): “Hal and Maggie are facing death together. We’ve been trapped in a room, losing oxygen, and Hal doesn’t want to confront all of the shame he’s feeling…he’s trying to get out of the room, he’s trying to do things…banging on walls, wasting both of our oxygen. So we end up going through this journey, this fight, and then surrender…We think we’re going to die together, so it’s a beautiful arc this episode; what that would mean to each of us. We’re not happy with each other in the beginning of the episode.”

Mpho Koaho (Anthony): “Something might have exploded. And we might have been trapped underground. And there’s rubble and dust everywhere. Pretty much just trying to find our way to get out. It’s going to be awhile until we do get out. Imagine being underground, an explosion happens underground — multiple explosions — the first one, then there’s another one, and there’s a lot of explosions…[Anthony’s trapped with] Tom Mason, Roger…everyone’s stuck the moment they were at the moment of the explosion, and we’re pretty much trying to get out to find everyone else…It’s tense, but it’s not like we’re fighting aliens. This is stuff we can figure out, it’s man-made. We definitely don’t want to be there. Who wants to be covered in soot and underground. And my character gets a little shaky in tight places.”

Robert Sean Leonard (Roger): “They encounter me quite late in the entrapment. I become essential to getting them out. I help steer the explosives in the right direction to get the right wall to blow out of the stairwell.”

FALLING SKIES airs Sundays at 10 PM on TNT.

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* Travel and accommodations provided by TNT

Filed under Falling Skies

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