ABC Boss Paul Lee is 'Super Optimistic' About the Future of CASTLE - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, March 27, 2025

ABC Boss Paul Lee is ‘Super Optimistic’ About the Future of CASTLE

August 4, 2013 by  

Since CASTLE is about to go into its sixth season — and has made recent headlines with a contract dispute — after ABC President Paul Lee’s executive session at TCA, I asked him about the show’s future on his network.

“We feel very strong about the future of CASTLE,” Lee said. “Nathan [Fillion (Castle)] and Stana [Katic (Beckett)] are fantastic actors and we’re super optimistic. So we feel good about it.”

Are you happy to see Lee’s positive comments about the state of the show?

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Filed under ABC, Castle


3 Responses to “ABC Boss Paul Lee is ‘Super Optimistic’ About the Future of CASTLE”

  1. sdjoyce on August 4th, 2013 4:22 pm

    We’re optimistic? We feel good about it? working on their sixth season and that’s all we get from this man?? What a tool. President or no, tool. He doesn’t have the sense God gave a duck! He can’t be bothered to give the loyal fans of the best scripted show out there more than “we feel good about it”, then yes, he’s a tool.

  2. Teri on August 4th, 2013 5:05 pm

    Please ABC and Mr.Lee, appreciate Castle. It is cash cow for you and you barely have to advertise for it. Imagine if ABC gave Castle it’s real due?

  3. Alie on August 5th, 2013 11:53 pm

    Terri is soooo right, Castle is a HUGE cash cow, especially because TNT plays reruns 3 or 4 days a week (upwards to 15 total episodes). They also have a pretty successful book series and comics, which can’t hurt ABC’s pockets. If they promoted Castle like they do other shows it would be even more successful than it is for it airing at 10 PM