GLEE: Demi Lovato In Talks For Major Arc - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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GLEE: Demi Lovato In Talks For Major Arc

August 19, 2013 by  

It seems GLEE is very close to getting a little extra X FACTOR — Demi Lovato is close to signing on to play Dani, a NYC-based struggling artist, TVLine is reporting.

If everything works out, Lovato would be a part of a major arc for the upcoming fifth season, appearing in at least six episodes (starting with the Beatles-themed second hour of the year), and interacting with Rachel, Santana, and Adam Lambert’s as-yet-introduced character.

Do you hope Lovato’s GLEE deal comes through?

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Filed under Glee, Glee Spoilers


One Response to “GLEE: Demi Lovato In Talks For Major Arc”

  1. Shemp DeYoung (@shempgames) on August 19th, 2013 5:11 pm

    That could be cool. I have a young teenage daughter, so I have seen Demi as an actress. She is talented.