BONES Season 9 Premiere: 'The Secrets in the Proposal' Photos - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES Season 9 Premiere: ‘The Secrets in the Proposal’ Photos

August 30, 2013 by  


With just over two weeks to go before BONES’ ninth season debuts, we have our first photos from the new season. And, because it’s a BONES season premiere, there appears to be a ton of action, guest stars, and of course, some crime-solving.

Take a look at some photos from “The Secrets in the Proposal”…


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BONES: Booth (David Boreanaz, L) questions a suspect in the "The Secrets in the Proposal" season premiere episode of BONES airing Monday, Sept. 16 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2013 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Ray Mickshaw/FOX

BONES returns Monday, September 16th at 8 PM on Fox.


BONES: Chuck Liddell to Guest Star
BONES: David Boreanaz Offers a Season 9 Tease
BONES: Season 9 Photo Shoot Video

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Filed under #1 featured, Bones


One Response to “BONES Season 9 Premiere: ‘The Secrets in the Proposal’ Photos”

  1. Sarah on August 30th, 2013 5:39 pm

    I’m excited. I’m also looking forward to this ex-priest bartender guy, because it’s long overdue that Booth has some friends and a confidant. Sully could have been that guy (and it was fine for as long as it lasted), Dr. Wyatt was the best (but who can afford Stephen Fry for so long!?) and there are inklings of it with Sweets, but because Sweets is so much younger, and because Sweets comes to Booth for advice, it doesn’t always work. Of course Sid, the original, could have worked as well, but RIP Heavy D.

    The only issue I’ll have is if it somehow makes Brennan look dumb…hoping it doesn’t, but I also have trust issues 🙂