BONES Season 9 Premiere: 'The Secrets in the Proposal' You Ask, I Answer - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES Season 9 Premiere: ‘The Secrets in the Proposal’ You Ask, I Answer

September 3, 2013 by  

With less than two weeks until BONES’ ninth season premiere, Fox has officially released the screener of the season premiere to press — and all I want to do is talk about what happened with you guys.

Of course, I can’t share everything. I’d like to, but that wouldn’t work out so well. So in the meantime, I asked for your questions via Twitter and Tumblr, I did my best to answer some things for you. That means there will be plenty of teasing about “The Secrets in the Proposal,” but the intention is not to ruin your enjoyment of the hour, so I couldn’t answer some of the very specific/spoilery questions you had. But hopefully you’ll still enjoy these teases…

What is dynamics between Freddie [Prinze Jr.] & David [Boreanaz] like and what type of relationship does Booth & Danny have? – @ReuniteFangGang via Twitter

They were incredibly fun to watch. Their first scene together is really beautifully directed/executed, and the relationship is intriguing from the start. Danny has a proposition for his old friend, too.

What are Booth’s and, more particularly, Brennan’s interactions like with Booth’s priest-turned-bar-owner friend? – @doctor_noodle via Twitter

So, so, so very important. I’ve heard some of your concerns that a character who knows Booth so deeply could potentially come between Booth/Brennan, but his positive impact (and importance for these two as individuals and as a couple) can’t really be understated.

Is Christine in the ep? What is the atmosphere for B&B like at the Mighty Hut vs working together? – @gina2BB via Twitter

Christine is mentioned, but doesn’t appear in the episode. And there’s a bit of tension in the Mighty Hut…partially because it seems Booth has not been coming home every night. So the tension between Booth and Brennan is basically seeping out all over the place.

We’ll see some reassuring talk between Booth & Brennan showing they’ll work everything out about the called off engagement? – @wellsbones via Twitter

Don’t forget what BONES creator Hart Hanson previously teased: “I don’t mind telling you the first episode starts out pretty damn sad. But by the end, you know, there’s a little glimmer of joy.” He was not misleading you.

Will any of the characters recognize that Booth taking back the engagement is OOC & give him the benefit of doubt? – @DelectableDavid via Twitter

At least one character points out that what happened is not exactly kosher.

And here’s something I think needs to be pointed out, because I’ve already heard a lot of complaints about this: yes, Angela is deeply unhappy with Booth. It’s absolutely apparent in the premiere (and he’s not exactly kind to her or others who are trying to find out what’s going on, either)…but she is also going off of what she knows. She is seeing Brennan crumble in front of her eyes and she is protecting her best friend by trying to get Booth to realize what he’s doing. If Angela wasn’t protecting her best friend here, and was blindly saying, “Well, it’s okay that you’re crushed, you’ll get over it eventually,” she’d be equally torn apart. So, that’s my two cents on that situation.

Any “I love you” scene or anything like that? – @valleria93 via Twitter

Two of the sweetest and most character-appropriate declarations are made during the episode (and yes, I’m talking about the Booth/Brennan coupling versus the other duos), so I think you guys will be pretty happy with what’s said.

How many boxes of tissues will I need? – @nolatulip via Twitter

I personally didn’t cry, but it’s a very good episode. (Not all good episodes have to move me to tears!)

What can you tell us about Caroline & Booth’s interactions in the premier? I do love any scenes they have together! – @HellYeahBooth via Twitter

They made me legitimately laugh out loud. They get to share a few scenes together and it’s delightful.

Will we find out any answers to the alarm clock mystery in B&B’s bedroom? – @geraghtyvl via Twitter

We won’t find out any answers about that, but you will need to keep your eyes peeled for a 447 at one point in the episode.

P.S. – There’s a cute shout-out to another Fox show in the season premiere. (And no, it’s not NEW GIRL.)

Intrigued? BONES’ ninth season kicks off Monday, September 16th at 8 PM on Fox.


BONES: Two More Season 9 Promos Released!
BONES Season 9 Premiere Promo: ‘We Are at War with the CIA?’
BONES Season 9 Premiere: ‘The Secrets in the Proposal’ Photos

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Filed under #1 featured, Bones


25 Responses to “BONES Season 9 Premiere: ‘The Secrets in the Proposal’ You Ask, I Answer”

  1. kay on September 3rd, 2013 4:07 pm

    Seriously I dont need a lecture on how to feel about Ang/Brennan’s relationship. Its 4 months later, BnB are still together and maidens dont die of broken hearts any more. At least none, I know of.

  2. EED on September 3rd, 2013 4:12 pm

    Hey kay, how about YOU not be a jerk to the person kind enough to review the episode?

  3. EED on September 3rd, 2013 4:14 pm

    Anyways, thank you so much for the review, Marisa! Everything sounds SO amazing!

  4. Marisa Roffman on September 3rd, 2013 4:15 pm

    @kay: You are absolutely entitled to feel that way. The raging non-stop hate I’ve seen towards Angela for protecting her friend got to be a bit much for me. The writers have had her do things in the past I absolutely don’t agree with — for me, this isn’t one of them. You are absolutely entitled to agree or disagree with her actions (and my opinion) when you see the episode.

  5. madbengalsfan85 on September 3rd, 2013 4:20 pm

    As long as Brennan hurts, Angela has EVERY RIGHT to be mad. Anger doesn’t have a set schedule and it isn’t something that’s rational.

  6. valleria93 on September 3rd, 2013 4:30 pm

    I really don’t see what is the big deal about Angela being mad at Booth, it seems absolutely right for her to be, in my opinion and I’m looking forward to. Anyways, thank you for this! You rock. 🙂

  7. anon on September 3rd, 2013 4:48 pm

    My problem with ANGELA hating on BOOTH is that she is suppose to know Booth and be his friend too on some level…and that should warrant some benefit of the doubt even without all the facts…like her husband Hodgins is open minded to…instead it seems that Angela has forgotten that she knows what kind of man Booth is and turned into one of those BFF who is the president of the man hating club…..being Brennans friend doesnt mean that Angela should get a freepass and ignore what she knows about Booth….and yeah I will make up MY OWN MIND about this when I watch, thanks.

  8. madbengalsfan85 on September 3rd, 2013 5:00 pm

    @anon-Angela’s loyalty is to Brennan above all else. I’d go as far as to say she has tunnel vision on the subject. She sees Brennan hurting and that’s what she focuses on. From what I understand she’s even going to butt heads with Hodgins on the subject. And when the truth comes out she’ll eat crow.

  9. valleria93 on September 3rd, 2013 5:03 pm

    ANON … well, you haven’t actually seen the episode yet, you should wait to see it before stating you have a problem with the storyline. Best are like that, no matter how much you know the other person, you’re mostly there for the best friend, plus as point out by Marisa, Booth hasn’t been coming home..which in my POV is definitely not helping nor justifying Booth’s actions in the finale, it actually make it seem worse.

  10. kay on September 3rd, 2013 5:03 pm

    @EED How about the journo not putting her personal opinion on how I or anyone else should feel about a character. They are the ones writing the words, teases, not me, I am reacting to their comments. How about something neutral, the facts only, not telling me how I should feel. Enough said, its prolly, as usual, a tempest in a teapot.

  11. valleria93 on September 3rd, 2013 5:04 pm

    * pointed out

  12. Nancy on September 3rd, 2013 5:07 pm

    Thanks for sharing Marisa!

    I don’t mind one bit that Angela is mad at Booth….it can’t compare with how mad I was at him at the end of s8! 🙂

    BUT, will I still be mad with by the end?

    And have we seen a possibly seen a picture from the end sequence already?

  13. Helen on September 3rd, 2013 5:11 pm

    To be honesty, I’m actually looking forward to seeing scenes between Angela and Booth. I feel like it adds more tension to the show and I love it.
    Thank you for sharing!:)

  14. geraghtyvl on September 3rd, 2013 5:19 pm

    I’m going to reserve judgement on the whole Angela/Booth interaction until I actually see the episode, but I think I will be OK with a little BFF Brennan/Angela bonding. There have been too many times in the last couple of seasons where I have actually questioned Angela’s loyalty to Brennan, and have cringed when she has come out with some awfully snarky/hurtful comments toward Brennan. I really miss those wonderful BFF talks they had from earlier seasons, and will welcome their return. Great article Marisa! Thanks.

  15. Rita on September 3rd, 2013 5:24 pm

    OK, I agree with Marisa with some stuff, if you see things from Angela’s POV. From Booth’s POV, I think it’s a reasonable assumption to think that he’s harsh with people because he wants them to back off. If they found out, the chances of Brennan finding out gets higher. And that CAN’T happen.

    They both have honorable intentions, but I can’t take Angela’s side when I know as a viewer that Booth is the victim.

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  16. anon on September 3rd, 2013 5:26 pm

    @valleria WELL you haven’t actually seen the ep either…so people in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones…meaning that this preview is the pov of one person and their own take from the ep and not the word of god…so yeah…telling me what I should or not feel about a character due to prior backlash is a bit much in an article that should be about teases JMHO.

  17. DripPan on September 3rd, 2013 5:59 pm


    My belief is that Angela is angry at Booth for breaking her BFF’s heart BUT there is a lot more going on with Angela. We saw her pining/romanticizing her old life before she had a husband, a child, a fellow artist bashed her work, dealing with Jack losing his family money and a vicious serial killer coming into her home and placing flowers around her child’s head!! ANGELA NEVER WANTED THIS IN HER LIFE and now has no one to talk to about it…

    When Brennan proposed to Booth, Angela finally saw a light at the end of a tunnel and a damn good light at that. Who better to talk/share things with than you BFF?! But, oh no, that bastard steps in and ruins that plan. How dare Booth call off the wedding. How dare he take away something she was looking forward too.

    Angela’s story line started last season. She hates parts of her new life. She is romanticizing her old life. To me, that spell Trouble with a capital T and Angela has never done so great with herself when she is in trouble. She sees the here and now but never the consequences. IMO, Angela is going to think seriously about having an affair if not actually have one. It’s going to be a war between her ‘free spirit’ and her ‘core values’. BTW, those ‘core values’ is what she sees in Booth and hates him for being that way. Booth is the reflection she wants to see in herself.

  18. ximena rodo ponce on September 3rd, 2013 6:12 pm

    If the new season of Fox’s bood on September 16 when it is in the’m waiting anxiously fx it could also publish news would please me to see that soon.

  19. Edwina Steele on September 3rd, 2013 6:15 pm

    As soon as you get rid of the @$$ Pelant, everything will be right as rain…he needs to GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sick of his interference in the lives of everyone…I wish Booth had been able to kill him.

  20. Fran Marques on September 3rd, 2013 6:45 pm

    I actually like that Angie will be mad at Booth. Yes, she is his friend, but Brennan is her BEST friend ! I would do the exactly the same thing.

  21. DripPan on September 3rd, 2013 9:03 pm

    You know what I want to see for the Pelant issue/finale? It’s both great and extremely sic which is the great thing about it. Get ready because here it goes:

    I want someone to kill Pelant then have the body or even just the head show up at B&B’s wedding. It’s great in that B&B could stop worrying about the threat Pelant made if they got married. It’s sic because it was delivered at their wedding. From whomever killed Pelant point of view, they would see it as a very good wedding present to the couple, which it is…or isn’t. The fans would be cheering both the B&B wedding and Pelant’s death but also totally shocked that someone out there would actually do this at a wedding! Someone way more disturbed than Pelant is and who also has an interest in their relationship.

    Giving B&B Pelant’s dead body for a wedding gift is mind blowing on so many levels and HH/SN needs to blow our minds!!

  22. SLP on September 3rd, 2013 9:14 pm

    After reading this review I can’t wait for the start of season 9 the good, the bad and the ugly…it’s what makes the show great to me!

  23. pam on September 4th, 2013 1:38 am

    If Angela were actually Booth’s friend she would use the knowledge that she has gathered from that over the years and conclude that Booth not wanting to marry Brennan is out of character for him…the way she is going come across in this ep is just RIDIC to me…Booth isn’t a stranger to her…Angela being Brennans BFF doesnt give her a free pass to be a biatch and throw Booth under the bus and not use her brain….the end of the day it is between B&B and nothing to do with her…There are 2 people in this relationship not 3. …and hating on Booth to Brennan and everyone just makes the situation worse…she isn’t in high school, its time Angela grew the hell up.

  24. Jules (@Ima_TV_Junkie) on September 4th, 2013 2:07 am

    OK.. Marisa has given us an overview without spoiling it for us.. BRAVO for that Marisa. And that’s not an easy thing to do.. too many people just love to blurt it all out and deliberately spoil it for others.

    The whole Angela /Booth / Brennan thing, I’m going to reserve judgement. I think its been blown out of proportion, maybe I’m wrong, I’m happy to wait and see for myself. Ripping into others about their opinions and thoughts is childish and narrow minded. Perhaps that old chestnut “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” might be something to consider rather than publicly making a dick of one’s self in the comments, hmmm?

    Personally, I’m interested to see these characters from Booth’s past come into the episode, and see what impact they each have on him. It’s going to be good to see Booth actually have someone to talk to for a change. He’s portrayed as such a lone wolf, but everyone needs someone to unload on. So hoorah for that.

    And I’m probably in the minority on the Pelant storyline. I’ve loved it. I loved the way S8 finished. Happy happy only goes so far and then it becomes tedious, to a point. And anyone who is a real fan of the show knows that without Booth & Brennan, the show just wouldn’t work. So why keep banging on about Pelant? We all know he’s going to get his just desserts. A little angst and a few bumps in the road, I can live with. It keeps me on my toes.

    So YAY Marisa. Thanks for your little insight. It’s just the thing to get me salivating for the new series.

  25. mphs95 on September 19th, 2013 9:05 am

    I watched the episode. I was really ticked off at Angela. She’s got a right to defend and protect her friend. The first conversation she had with Booth was very well done. You knew she was mad and told him so but stayed professional.

    The video convo is what upset me. She was nasty! Accusing him of going out for flings, being sick of Brennan because she had a baby, etc….she wasn’t just insulting him, but her best friend, Brennan. She pretty much reduced Bones to a silly girl who picked a loser and doesn’t have a mind of her own.

    DripPan called it though on Angela’s motivations. I felt it was way over the top and something had to be bugging her. It could be that Hodgins made her feel guilty (he used his brain) or that she DOES see Booth as part of her “core values”. Booth is her example of goodness and if he is letting her down, it’s another example of how her new life is failing her.

    Angela has a pattern of not seeing the big picture and trust. Remember Biranbau? She lied to Hodgins and held him at arm’s length before and after they got together to a point.

    I do think she will drift a bit from Hodgins as she continues to pine for her “old life”. I think she will contemplate an affair, or have an emotional affair, but I can’t see her having sex with someone other than Hodgins. I do see this new character coming into their lives as trouble.

    In the end, I love Angela, but when the truth comes out, she needs to eat crow. She needs to apologize to Booth for the horrible things she said, but he shouldn’t forgive her right away for the reason I listed before. He will, but she needs to earn his friendship back. Someone like Hank should set her straight on it and make her understand Booth’s anger.