HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER: Cristin Milioti on Fan Reaction, Her First Day of Shooting, and Teases What She's Excited for Fans to See - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER: Cristin Milioti on Fan Reaction, Her First Day of Shooting, and Teases What She’s Excited for Fans to See

September 19, 2013 by  

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER pulled off one heck of the secret reveal to end last season: they introduced the Mother!

In order to keep that massive spoiler underwraps, the series undertook unusual measures…which also allowed HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER newbie Cristin Milioti (The Mother) to have a rather memorable first day.

“All of the extras in scene in the train station are producers and writers and crew members,” Milioti told reporters on a conference call earlier today. “It was the warmest welcome I could have asked for. I will not lie, I was in an out-of-body, white-hot panic from pretty much the moment the plane touched down to pretty much the second my plane took me back to New York.”

But now that she’s had time to settle into the role, the panic has subsided a bit and she’s just happy to be working on the show. And, she noted, the fact that it’s the final season hasn’t really permeated the work environment yet.

“Everyone seems to be so happy working on the show and they’re such a family, that they’ve all been so welcoming,” she said. “I don’t want to speak out of turn, but nobody’s been walking around crying. I think we’re early still in the season…I have been made to feel welcome and like I had always been there. They’ve gone above and beyond to make me feel welcome.”

And while much of Milioti’s role has to remain top-secret, she was able to tease a little bit of what’s to come.

“I’m very excited for the mother to meet Lily, and that’s the season premiere; I think that’s a hilarious episode and I’m very excited for that,” she shared. “I will say we just shot some stuff that Josh [Radnor (Ted)] and I shot [for the November 4th episode] that is going to be really, really exciting and wonderful for fans of the show. I don’t want to give it away, but it’s very, very, very, very exciting.”

One thing Milioti, who spent the past several years in Broadway’s ONCE, wasn’t shy about hoping to get to do before the series concludes? Sing!

“Are you kidding me? That’s like being asked if I would like the ability to fly,” she laughed. “I would love that. There has been slight rumblings I might get to sing…but I’m just knowing [details] as our scripts are handed out at the table read. But oh my God, I would love it. I would absolutely love it.”

Until that day comes, Milioti is getting used to the recognition that comes with being HIMYM’s titular mother.

“I went to see friends at Carnegie Hall and one person noticed [me] and then a bunch of people noticed, and suddenly it was 20 people asking for pictures, and everyone was so nice,” Milioti said. “I will say, I was recently recognized in a bar — I was out with one of my very good friends, an actress on NURSE JACKIE, and we do this thing where we dance together, liking miming-off — it’s not a sexy dance at all, it’s like doing the robot or pretending to sail a ship, in time with like a Beyonce song. And then someone walked up to me and was like, ‘Are you the Mother?’ And I went, ‘Yes! Oh my God.’ I felt so stupid. But then that quickly evaporated…[the fans] could have come up to me, and went, ‘Really? You?’ But they never did. Everyone has been so sweet.”

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER premieres Monday, September 23rd at 8 PM on CBS.

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