TROPHY WIFE: What You Need to Know About the New ABC Series - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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TROPHY WIFE: What You Need to Know About the New ABC Series

September 24, 2013 by  

There are approximately one million new shows debuting this season*, and it’s going to get difficult to keep track of them all.

To help you out, for every new show, I’m going to basically create a hub of info on the day of the premiere — pilot photos, my quick take on the pilot (or what I’ve seen so far), what’s been written about it so far, and when you can watch it.



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TROPHY WIFE - "Trophy Wife" stars Malin Akerman ("Suburgatory") as Kate, Bradley Whitford ("The West Wing") as Pete, Marcia Gay Harden ("Into the Wild," "Damages") as Diane, Michaela Watkins ("Saturday Night Live") as Jackie, Natalie Morales ("90210") as Meg, Ryan Scott Lee ("Super 8") as Warren, Albert Tsai ("How I Met Your Mother") as Bert and Gianna LePera ("Modern Family") as Hillary. "Trophy Wife" is written and executive-produced by Emily Halpern & Sarah Haskins, executive produced by Lee Eisenberg & Gene Stupnitsky ("The Office"), produced by Malin Ackerman. The pilot was directed by Jason Moore ("Pitch Perfect," "Avenue Q"). "Trophy Wife" is from ABC Studios. (ABC/Craig Sjodin)ALBERT TSAI, NATALIE MORALES, GIANNA LEPERA, RYAN SCOTT LEE, MALIN AKERMAN, BRADLEY WHITFORD, MARCIA GAY HARDEN, MICHAELA WATKINS

*Maybe not scientifically correct. But close enough.

ABC’s description: “The third time’s the charm, they say, and reformed party girl Kate (Malin Akerman) is hoping that’s true when she becomes the third wife of a slightly older man, Pete (Bradley Whitford). They fell into each others’ arms (literally) at a karaoke bar, and flash forward a year later, Kate finds herself with an instafamily complete with three stepchildren and two ex-wives. But Kate is determined to make this work and become a part of the family no matter what.”

My take: I absolutely promise you this show is better than the terrible, terrible title. I get why the show is called TROPHY WIFE, but that screams artificiality and indicates that this relationship (while unconventional) might be less than it actually is. Hopefully this show doesn’t suffer like COUGAR TOWN did for its not-so-accurate name.

And the links to catch up on:

TROPHY WIFE premieres tonight at 9:30 PM on ABC.

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Filed under Trophy Wife


One Response to “TROPHY WIFE: What You Need to Know About the New ABC Series”

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