About Last Night...GLEE, THE BIG BANG THEORY, PARKS AND RECREATION, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Monday, March 17, 2025


September 27, 2013 by  

Lots of comedies on Thursday, but some serious television to talk about, too. Let’s get to it.

PARKS AND RECREATION: I love P&R more than it is probably healthy. I thought the premiere was really solid, and Leslie’s adventure for Ron was just the cutest thing ever. (As was her about to explode from excitement over his wedding.) I can’t believe the show made the joke about Chris Pratt’s movie-induced weight loss, but I totally laughed. (Yes, Andy, you probably drank waaaaay too much beer.) Sad the town hates Leslie so much, but it’s clear that speech won’t be doing her any favors this season.

THE X FACTOR: What a mess. I get they needed to revamp things, but taking the huge group and cutting it down instantly to the top 10 from each categories just made things annoying versus me actually getting upset about losing people. I’m sure there were a ton of contestants I’d be crushed to see were gone, but the way they did it, it felt like I didn’t really process who stayed and who left. Oh well.

THE BIG BANG THEORY: While Howard as a “woman” was cringe-worthy, I absolutely loved Penny and Sheldon bonding. Their weird friendship is really such a gem.

THE CRAZY ONES: So surprised Sarah Michelle Gellar was actually funny. Um, and can we talk about the amazingness of Kelly Clarkson??? Here’s hoping the show can find a way to work her back in at some point, even if it’s several seasons down the line. (If you aren’t singing “Drive-Thru Lovin'” today, you might not be living your best life.)

GLEE: I understand they really wanted to do The Beatles tribute before dealing with Cory Monteith/Finn’s death, but man, you can’t escape that. Especially when Blaine planned Kurt’s proposal to have everyone important in his life there — are viewers really supposed to think Finn wouldn’t be there? Obviously, we know Monteith died, but…

THE MICHAEL J. FOX SHOW: What did you think? I was really impressed with how sure of itself the show felt. Given Fox’s real-life disease, the show could have very easily manipulated audience emotion, but I appreciated they addressed it, they let the characters work with it and around it, but it wasn’t THIS IS A SHOW ABOUT PARKINSON’S. It was just another factor to the show.

Okay, so that’s what I watched last night. How about you?

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