ONCE UPON A TIME: What You Missed on Your Summer Vacation
September 29, 2013 by Marisa Roffman
ONCE UPON A TIME is back tonight!
Take a look at everything you missed this summer, including photos from tonight’s season premiere, an episode tease, and all the links you’ll need to catch up…
ONCE UPON A TIME - "Heart of the Truest Believer" - As Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Mr. Gold and Hook enter Neverland to search for a kidnapped Henry, they're greeted by a school of not-to-friendly mermaids who threaten to end their search before it begins; Henry finds himself on the run from the Lost Boys with another escapee from Peter Pan's encampment; and Neal, recovering from his wounds, travels through the Enchanted Forest with Mulan in an attempt to learn the fates of Emma and Henry, on the Season Premiere of "Once Upon a Time," SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Jack Rowand)COLIN O'DONOGHUE
ABC’s description of the premiere: “As Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Mr. Gold and Hook enter Neverland to search for a kidnapped Henry, they’re greeted by a school of not-to-friendly mermaids who threaten to end their search before it begins; Henry finds himself on the run from the Lost Boys with another escapee from Peter Pan’s encampment; and Neal, recovering from his wounds, travels through the Enchanted Forest with Mulan in an attempt to learn the fates of Emma and Henry.”
And the links to catch up on:
- ONCE UPON A TIME: Giancarlo Esposito to Return
- ONCE UPON A TIME Casts a Lost Boy
- ONCE UPON A TIME at Comic-Con: A Little Mermaid Tease, Season 3 Promo, and GOOD MORNING STORYBROOKE
- ONCE UPON A TIME at Comic-Con: Check Out Photos From the Panel
- ONCE UPON A TIME Casts Tinkerbell
- ONCE UPON A TIME: JoAnna Garcia to Guest Star as Ariel
- ONCE UPON A TIME: Season 3 Promo
- ONCE UPON A TIME: SUPERNATURAL’s Gil McKinney Cast as Prince Eric
- ONCE UPON A TIME Season 3 Premiere: ‘Heart of the Truest Believer’ Photos
- ONCE UPON A TIME: Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis on Going to Neverland and Having a Split Season. Plus, Teases for the First Two Episodes of Season 3!
ONCE UPON A TIME returns tonight at 10 PM on ABC.
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