ONCE UPON A TIME: Josh Dallas, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Jennifer Morrison Preview Charming Family Drama in 'Lost Girl' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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ONCE UPON A TIME: Josh Dallas, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Jennifer Morrison Preview Charming Family Drama in ‘Lost Girl’

October 4, 2013 by  

As the Charming family searches for Henry in Neverland on ONCE UPON A TIME, their already-shaky emotional ground takes its toll  in this Sunday’s brand new episode, “Lost Girl.”

“I think Neverland has posed a lot of interesting opportunities for Emma to be vulnerable,” Jennifer Morrison (Emma) noted to reporters on set earlier this week. “You know, I think [ONCE UPON A TIME co-creators] Eddy [Kitsis] and Adam [Horowitz] have talked a lot about Neverland making everyone confront their past, and you know I’ve sort of approached it as Neverland has made Emma about ten years old, in terms of her emotional capacity. It sort of takes you back to your…most prevalent time of damage in your life, and you kind of go back to that place and operate from that emotional level. So that’s what I’ve sort of done with Emma for the season so far, which is giving the opportunity to see so much more of her. She’s been so closed off and hardened to life because of what she’d been through that there was only so far certain emotions could be pushed with her, and now not only has she been through a tremendous amount, and she thinks she’s lost Neal, and all she’s concerned about is trying to save Henry’s life, and her whole family’s being threatened on this island — and, and, and, and, and all of these things [just keep coming]. She’s also in a land where she can’t really have her guard up, so she’s highly emotional and highly volatile. Everything’s heightened for her.”

For better or worse, that emotional vulnerability also leads to Emma and Snow finally hashing out some of the lingering issues they have had.

“I can tease that we finally have the — I don’t know that it necessarily comes about in the way that the audience expects it to; it didn’t come about in the way that I expected it to — but we have the confrontation that we’ve been waiting for since the curse broke,” Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow) teased. “I mean, I wanted to address the dynamic between Snow and Emma in episode 2×01, and our — and I mean this sincerely — very thrilling and exciting and wonderful plot last year kept interrupting any and every conversation that we went to have about what had happened between us, and we never addressed abandonment issues and guilt, and the thing is, these boys — our creators; we call them the boys; they’re men — they write such rich relationships, especially between women, that I was begging for the conversation that does come in episode 3×02.”

“And you know what I found really beautiful about it, too, is how [messed] up it is that Snow clearly has thought that there’s some magical number of times that she could apologize that would then make things right,” Goodwin continued. “Like, ‘Once I get to time 101, maybe she’ll understand, and she’ll believe me, and she’ll accept me, and this can all be water under the bridge.’ But what she comes to learn is that she’s, I can say, being looked at in a very different way than she understood herself to be looked at by Emma and that something very different is going to have to happen for them to come together, and it’s heartbreaking.”

Unfortunately, Snow and Emma’s confrontation won’t be the only problem the fractured family will be dealing with: Charming has a secret of his own…and it’s a big one.

“We all have obstacles, and all of our obstacles are ourselves, and I think definitely this is something Charming is wrestling with, and…in this episode this Sunday, he’s going to have a very big secret that’s going to be revealed to him, and only he knows,” Josh Dallas (Charming) previewed. “And this is will develop later on throughout the rest of the eleven [episodes of the first part of the season], but he’s going to find out something that is going to put his integrity into question, and he’ll be wrestling with how that works and what the consequences are for compromising his integrity. So, yeah, he’s got a big secret.”

Uh oh…

ONCE UPON A TIME airs Sundays at 8 PM on ABC.


ONCE UPON A TIME: ‘Lost Girl’ Photos
ONCE UPON A TIME: What You Missed on Your Summer Vacation
ONCE UPON A TIME: Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis on Going to Neverland and Having a Split Season. Plus, Teases for the First Two Episodes of Season 3!

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