About Last Night...BROOKLYN NINE-NINE, SUPERNATURAL, PERSON OF INTEREST, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


October 9, 2013 by  

I spent most of last night working, so I only got to catch a few things on television. But let’s talk a bit about what aired!

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: I was bored, which is basically the exact opposite of how I want to feel when watching this show. It’s a pretty show, the effects are fantastic, but right now, it feels like a chore to tune in. I really hope it improves over the next few weeks.

BROOKLYN NINE-NINE: I still love this show. And I’m so thankful it’s held up to its pilot. The running gag where no one could figure out how the captain was feeling? Absolutely slayed me. (Especially poor, dim Scully, who was absolutely torn into by the captain and still couldn’t read him.) I do hope we get to meet Holt’s husband soon, because…I just can’t picture what this man is like!

SUPERNATURAL: I’m really, really intrigued by Ezekiel taking over Sam. While I really like Tahmoh Penikett, who inhabited Ezekiel originally (and I hope he comes back at some point), this story should be really good for both brothers: Sam may be passive now, but when he finds out, it’s going to be an interesting fallout; and Dean will be fairly isolated in the coming weeks as he can’t really rely on any of his usual trusted people. It should be good for both Jensen Ackles (Dean) and Jared Padalecki (Sam) to get an acting showcase. (In case you want to see what Ackles and Padalecki had to say about it, check out what they told reporters on the Vancouver set last week.)

THE GOLDBERGS: Still such a cute show. Loved that once Beverly realized Adam went to POLTERGEIST, she tricked him into being scared so she could get more hugs/cuddle time out of him. I mean, it’s possibly not the greatest thing in parenting, but it made for amusing TV.

PERSON OF INTEREST: Even though her stint locked up didn’t last long, I’m so excited Root is free. With this new information on her side — and Finch now painfully aware of how little he can do to contain her — the next batch of episodes should be fun. (Also, getting the women together? Super fun. Hope we get more of that in the future.) And there’s also a little tease of what’s to come from the PERSON OF INTEREST executive producers, check out what they had to say about where Root goes from here and if Warren Kole may return.

Okay, so enough from me: what did you think of last night’s TV?

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