About Last Night...BONES, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, CASTLE, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, March 13, 2025


October 15, 2013 by  

Monday night television is kind of crazy — I was up until way past midnight trying to catch everything and still didn’t finish. (Yay having too much TV?) So let’s not waste any time and get down to what aired last night…

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER: I really liked how this season started off, so I’m kind of baffled by the turn the past few episodes have taken. The characters feel like caricatures, and having Marshall on this stupid road trip has gotten past the point of being obnoxious. I don’t want to go through this final season feeling disconnected with this show.

BONES: Wells…is just the worst. I actually really enjoyed most of last night’s episode — Booth and Brennan were adorable, Angela and Brennan had great friendship moments, poor Sweets felt threatened by a machine — but Wells is not pleasant.

THE VOICE: Grey vs. Nick: I agreed with Adam choosing Grey over Nick…I thought her vocal was stronger. But I liked Nick, so I’m glad Blake stole him. That should be an interesting match when it comes to the knockout rounds.

Amber vs. Timyra-Joi: Wow, what a powerhouse competition. I didn’t feel strongly one way or the other, but I was surprised that no one stole Timyra-Joi.

Justin vs. Shelbie: As someone who loves Kelly Clarkson, I was a little wary of them trying “Don’t You Wanna Stay.” I was really impressed with how Shelbie held her own in the song. Blake probably made the right choice by choosing her.

Caroline vs. Anthony: I don’t particularly care for Justin Bieber, and their voices didn’t seem to go together as much as the other pairings did — I was considerably less impressed by it than the coaches were. That being said, I wasn’t surprised at all CeeLo picked Caroline; her voice is distinctive in a way that most others aren’t. Anthony feels like he could be the right fit for Team Christina, so it’s nice she picked him up.

Donna vs. Tessanne: Two powerhouse vocals, but I preferred Tessanne. It felt like Donna was way too overdramatic with her singing, which was a shame. I was as shocked as Tessanne was that she won the battle, and was pretty surprised no one stole Donna.

Jacquie vs. Briana: My favorite battle of the night. Jacquie was stunning, but Briana had so much soul in her rendition. It stunk that the network/show ruined that one of them would be stolen, but I’m glad Bri has joined Team Blake.

SLEEPY HOLLOW: Every time I watch SLEEPY HOLLOW, the thought crosses my mind at least once an hour that with lesser writers/actors/directors/production team, this show would be absolutely ridiculous. And yet they have the right pieces so it’s just absolutely freaking delightful. Ichabod’s discovery of plastic (and his brief loofah dalliance) was fantastic. I appreciate the show hasn’t been shy about pushing Abbie out of comfort zone fairly quickly. (And John Noble is on the next episode! Yay!)

HOSTAGES: For as much that happened in the episode, it felt weirdly like filler. At what point will Ellen just give in? They’ve shot her husband now, and I can’t imagine she won’t return home. Where does she go from here?

CASTLE: As much as I loved Lisa Edelstein’s arc, I think last night might have been my favorite episode of the season. The case was fun, and it was great to be reminded how Castle is a really big deal to some of the outside people. And how appropriate after Castle first worming his way into the NYPD through his connections, that Beckett (and Gates) essentially did the same thing to get Beckett’s job back?

So what did you watch last night? Did anything stand out to you?

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Filed under About Last Night


2 Responses to “About Last Night…BONES, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, CASTLE, and More”

  1. Old Ain't Dead on October 15th, 2013 1:14 pm

    Regarding Castle, I had the idea that Beckett might quit the FBI (or was it the CIA) on her own because its politics clashed with her sense of justice, so I was a bit surprised when they fired her. I also loved Lisa Edelstein’s arc on the show and wish there could be a way to make her a regular.

  2. Kath (@canakatydid) on October 15th, 2013 1:34 pm

    OMGoodness!! Truer words were never spoken about HIMYM. That bright shining moment with Ted and The Mother and now all of this nonsense! SIGH!

    And last night was the first Castle episode that I enjoyed from top to bottom this season!