CASTLE: Andrew Marlowe Offers a Little Tease For Episode 11 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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CASTLE: Andrew Marlowe Offers a Little Tease For Episode 11

October 31, 2013 by  

Before CASTLE’s sixth season kicked off, series creator Andrew Marlowe acknowledged the show would “absolutely have to deal with” the realities of how people outside of Castle and Beckett’s immediate world view their relationship. (The price of dating a famous author, I suppose.) And based on what he told me about the episode they’re just starting to film, it seems like that moment might be around the corner.

“We have some fun coming up [in] episode 11,” Marlowe teased. “It puts Castle and Beckett in a world in which the spotlight is very bright. And [we examine] what it does to people. And I think it makes Beckett reflect on what it means to be with a guy who is in the public eye. So that’s really fun.”

What do you hope to see from Castle and Beckett in the episode?

(And yes, more from Marlowe to come soon.)

CASTLE airs Mondays at 10 PM on ABC. 


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Filed under Castle


One Response to “CASTLE: Andrew Marlowe Offers a Little Tease For Episode 11”

  1. shirley on December 1st, 2013 5:12 am

    I’m fine with the epi as long as the couple is together and can work our the problems that will ptobably come with it.

    I along with millions of other fans and viewer just want them together and sooner more than later married.
    I am sure the story lines that would come from that adventure would be great fun.

    Looking forward to it.