About Last Night...HOMELAND, THE WALKING DEAD, and FAMILY GUY - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


November 25, 2013 by  

Sunday TV! The ABC shows took a knee thanks to the AMAs (which I admittedly watched), but we still had a few shows to talk about…

HOMELAND: Oh, HOMELAND. This season has been up and down for me, with some moments touching greatness, only for things to dissolve or end up not seemingly working. But last night’s episode worked. The chemistry Claire Danes (Carrie) and Damian Lewis (Brody) share has always been absolutely gripping, whether they’ve hated each other’s guts, didn’t trust each other, or couldn’t keep their hands off each other. The fact that it took nine episodes for them to share a scene simultaneously felt like the pieces of the puzzle finally fell into place…and also made me a little worried about what this show could look like post-Brody. Because, come on, at this point, does anyone think he’s returning home alive? The heartbreaking scene with Dana, the “see you on the other side” with Carrie (not to mention his vow to come back alive, not just for Dana, but implicitly for Carrie, too), him finally getting into a place to mentally be able to do what is right felt like big, glaring neon signs saying, “THIS DUDE IS DYING SOON.” I think I was more OK with the idea of Brody dying before we saw how the show often struggled without him. But they’re also in a position of (potentially) running out of story for him soon, too. It’s a rough spot. But I loved last night’s episode. And I hope the rest of the season plays out as well.

THE WALKING DEAD: I’m just so bored. It helped they had Kirk Acevedo and Enver Gjokaj, but I feel like I just don’t care the way I should have. Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel like it’s possible I would have enjoyed learning more about the Governor if his time away had been crammed into one episode. We know where he ends up. I, personally, didn’t care enough about him from his time last year to have this much of him given to us leading up the midseason finale.

FAMILY GUY: First instinct is to be very anti-Brian’s death. Because…really? I get you can kill off a dog and it’s less of a big deal (though it’s a freaking cartoon, they could explode the entire family and then bring them back if they wanted to), but he was always one of the most interesting characters. Not sold on this actually being a good thing at this point (and the new dog annoyed me), but I guess we’ll see what comes next? Unless Stewie finds another time machine and can save Brian later in the season…

What did you watch last night?

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