Top 13 TV Shows of 2013 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Top 13 TV Shows of 2013

December 23, 2013 by  

As I said in my top television episodes post, there is a lot of great television on right now. And what hit me as I was compiling this list was that an incredible amount of newbies came out of the gate amazing — in fact, the differences in my list from last year to this year is a bit unreal.

Before we get to the list, the normal disclaimer: I may watch an unholy amount of television (it was probably close to 100 series this year), but I don’t watch everything. Which means, I’m still behind on JUSTIFIED, THE GOOD WIFE, ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK, and I still haven’t brought myself to watch GAME OF THRONES. It’s possible if they were in the mix, my list would look different. But for now, until we can invent a time-pausing machine, we’ll work with what I can watch.

These are my top shows of 2013…

#13: GO ON

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I loved this show. I miss this show almost every day. The support group went through quite the transformation during its one season, and following their individual -- and group -- journeys as they worked through their issues was one of the highlights of last season for me. My only consolation was that while the season finale wasn't actually intended to be a series finale, it ended up doubling pretty well as one. Now, if only they would release a DVD set...

Okay, I’ve had my say, now it’s your turn: is there a show you think should be on the list? Is there a show you think is too high/low ranked? 

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14 Responses to “Top 13 TV Shows of 2013”

  1. Simone on December 23rd, 2013 9:08 pm

    I loved this list! Every show I either reacted with an ‘aww i love that show’ or ‘i can’t wait to watch that show’!

    Mostly, I can’t wait to watch Brooklyn Nine Nine, Sleepy Hollow and Masters of Sex. I feel like I have been so busy just trying to keep up with the shows I already watch, that it has been more difficult to find time to give these new shows a chance.

    Totally agree with the number one pick and I have been watching Breaking Bad in, mostly, real time. It was masterful. Arrow is my absolute favorite show right now and the one I look forward to the most each week. I started watching over the summer and season 2 has been so so exciting.

    My only addition would be Orange is the New Black, though I totally understand not being able to control time and watch everything. At least in this universe 😉

  2. Marisa Roffman on December 23rd, 2013 9:24 pm

    @Simone: Ooh, you’re in for some good TV. Very, very good stuff. And FWIW, the full seasons of B99/SH are available online now!

    And yes, I’m bummed about OITNB…I only have a few more to catch up on, and felt it would be cheating to include it here. Can’t wait to finish it!!

  3. Steven on December 27th, 2013 2:24 pm

    Um I think you forgot Game Of Thrones… 🙂

  4. Jasmine on December 27th, 2013 7:17 pm

    I love scandal, arrow, sleepy hollow, and masters of sex. I’ve been hearing great things about person of interest and can’t wait to get started watching that.

  5. Chris on December 27th, 2013 8:18 pm

    I really do enjoy your list, and I agree with most of your choices. I do however think that both Sons of Anarchy and the Walking Dead deserve their day in the sun. Both of those shows had great story development and huge emotional impact during several episodes this season.

  6. Ryan on January 8th, 2014 12:24 pm

    Some of the shows I dont watch but I love 1 and then 4-9. All the others just not my type of show. I would have added 2 broke girls right next to big bang theory both are hilarious.

  7. Joe on January 8th, 2014 12:28 pm

    So, let me see if I have this right…you have Brooklyn Nine Nine and P&R making the grade…but the not The Blacklist…?? Are you kidding me?? Put down the remote, you’re not qualified to use it

  8. pk on January 8th, 2014 12:31 pm

    I tried to get through this list but cant. 13 pages that have to load to read a list is annoying. I know you are trying to up you ad count but it made this unreadable for me.

  9. Christina on January 8th, 2014 12:50 pm

    Almost Human is definitely my #1 show of 2013!!

  10. NCB on January 8th, 2014 12:54 pm

    You forgot The Blacklist, which along with Sleep Hollow is one of the best new shows. James Spader is wonderful. From minute to minute you don’t know whether to hate or love him. And Megan Boone is finding her inner bad ass after starting out as a very placid FBI forensic psychologist. And what is up with her husband? Is he a 4th grade teacher or some sort of double agent?

    Then there is Sons of Anarchy. This season has been awesome as it goes toward it’s final season. Ron Perlman is a fantastic actor but one scene in particular made a great impression, the scene in the prison chapel. I can’t go into it with out using multiple curse words but it was epic. The end of the season ended on a very shocking and sad note.

  11. Luciano on January 8th, 2014 3:19 pm

    Where is SUPERNATURAL!!!!!!!!!

  12. Terri on January 8th, 2014 10:16 pm

    I have become sooo enthralled with Sleepy Hollow….I rewatch an ep almost every day. I just am hopelessly addicted. Tom Mison is just fantastic as Crane, he’s a very gifted actor too in his own right, and Nicole Beharie is wonderful as Abbie and together they create this wonderful dynamic duo that is so fun to watch. I look forward to every show…I mean I count the minutes, seconds, and the hours. This coming Monday is the beginning of the last 3 eps of this season and I am so sad to have no new eps for 8 months. It’s a magical show, so fun, wacky, and wonderfully weird!

  13. ArianeB on January 9th, 2014 2:26 am

    The handful of people who have seen Orphan Black believe it should be near the top of any best of 2013 TV list. If you haven’t seen it, watch it!

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