BONES: 'Big in the Philippines' Photo Preview - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES: ‘Big in the Philippines’ Photo Preview

December 30, 2013 by  

BONES star David Boreanaz (Booth) gets another turn in the director’s chair, and Wendell gets an important storyline in the upcoming episode, “Big in the Philippines”…and now, you can take a look at a few photos from the hour.


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BONES: Booth (David Boreanaz, L) questions a suspect (guest star Robert Baker, R) in the "Big in the Philippines" episode of BONES airing Friday, Jan. 17 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2013 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Patrick McElhenney/FOX

BONES’ “Big in the Philippines” airs Friday, January 17th at 8 PM on Fox.


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Filed under Bones


One Response to “BONES: ‘Big in the Philippines’ Photo Preview”

  1. Bonnie on January 18th, 2014 1:57 am

    This Episode was one of the best of this season, aside from the Wedding Episode. Once again @David_Boreanaz steps up into the Directors chair. He as usual did a fantastic job both directing and acting.

    This was a real tear jerker,I had to get kleenex to dry my eyes. Their acting abilites really shinned thru, as we see once again Brennen @emilydeschanel struggling to reveal how she feels, Booth steped up to the plate as usual and took the bull by the horns one can say. Wendell @LLMGT 7m was superb in himself,He actually is one of my favorite Squinterns.

    Leave it to the Cast and Crew of Bones to have us on the edge of our seats one minute and tears in the next. The dance at the end made me wanna just jump into my Tv and join them. I still have chills as I am writing this.

    Can’t wait until next weeks episode to see what hair raising thrilling case they go on next. #Kuddos goes out to the entire cast for a job well done and #Kuddos goes out to @David_Boreanaz for his superb Directing, Producing and Acting Skills.