EPISODES: Watch the Full Season 3 Premiere Now!
January 7, 2014 by Marisa Roffman
Can’t wait until Sunday for the season premiere of EPISODES? Well, thanks to Showtime, you can watch the full episode right now…
If you don’t feel like watching the episode on YouTube, you can also check it out on Showtime’s official website, select cable providers’ On Demand channels/sites and the Showtime Preview app.
EPISODES premieres Sunday, January 12th at 10:30 PM on Showtime.
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Filed under Episodes
Was rewatching season 2 and was surprised to see it was James Purefoy as Morning’s brother (Rob). Damn..how did that get missed.
@SueK: Yes!! The retroactive surprise I had at that when I did research on Purefoy pre-The Following’s premiere was very high.
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