BONES: Stephen Nathan Teases Hodgins' Life Being Upended, the 'Substantial Cliffhanger' to End the Season, a 'Different' Season 10, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES: Stephen Nathan Teases Hodgins’ Life Being Upended, the ‘Substantial Cliffhanger’ to End the Season, a ‘Different’ Season 10, and More

January 30, 2014 by  

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BONES fans have had a lot of news this week: not only was the show renewed for an impressive season 10, but the series is also on the move back to its Mondays at 8 PM slot. (Which also means the show will have a hiatus after the January 31st episode.)

But how about a little bit more BONES tidbits?

I spoke with BONES boss Stephen Nathan about the end of the season (and the “substantial cliffhanger”), season 10, the very big Hodgins story coming up, and more…

Have you finished fleshing out the rest of the season at this point? And have you always been gearing the end to a season finale versus a series finale?
Stephen Nathan: Yeah. We have the whole time. We just assumed we’re getting a season 10, so we have been building towards the end [of the season], because we know how we want to leave the show [at the end of season 9]. It’ll be a pretty substantial cliffhanger. We’re building towards something that will at least temporarily change the way all of the crimes are dealt with.

Does that have to do with the proposition Booth got at the beginning of the season?
SN: No. You mean CIA? No. Booth and Brennan will still be involved in finding murderers, but it will be done in a somewhat different way. The show will stay the same, but be different.

That is so clear…
SN: You don’t want to lose what everyone likes, but you want to shake things up.

If you are recalibrating the show, should fans be bracing for some cast exits?
SN: No, everyone will be used. We’re not going to permanently redo the show, but it’s going to go in another direction until certain things are worked out.

Very, very interesting. Looking towards the rest of season 9, what can you tease about what’s coming up?
SN: We’re going to look at Hodgins’ life a little bit more than we have in the past. Hodgins is going to find out something very huge and surprising about his family.

He’s going to find his brother, correct?
SN: Possibly, yes…TJ [Thyne (Hodgins)] did a phenomenal job with that. That’s also a great case in that one, too.

Will the brother be returning? Or is this a one episode thing?
SN: I think we’ll definitely see him again.

How does this reveal impact Hodgins?
SN: His entire life is upended, because he’s confronted with dealing with a family he thought he knew, but he didn’t. A mother and father — both of whom are gone — who basically kept something from him his whole life. And what does that mean? And how does that change his life? So we deal with that.

Fantastic. What kind of cases are on tap?
SN: We have a murder that centers around a children’s show, which also dovetails around Booth and Brennan throwing a birthday party for Christine. And there’s a murder of a medical marijuana delivery guy.

We have a repo guy. We go into the world of repossessing cars…We have a cryogenics episode coming up.

What’s the show’s take on cryogenics?!
SN: We’re working that out now, but it’s nice to find a frozen victim.

Is it fully frozen?
SN: Not when we get it!

It’s going to be fun to see how you try and make that gruesome. Are there any fun guest stars coming up?
SN: Ryan O’Neal (Max) is coming back…we’re doing the story with Christine’s birthday, and we’ve set up that he takes care of Christine when [Booth and Brennan] are busy; he’s an involved grandpa. So he’s there for that. And he gets involved with [that birthday party] story. And we find out that Brennan never really had a birthday party.

That’s sad!
SN: That’s very sad.

Is Booth going to fix that now that he knows she never had a party?
SN: Wouldn’t you want him to? I hope he does.

I know Emily Deschanel (Brennan) had expressed a desire to direct in the past. Any chance that will happen this year?
SN: Not this year. The reality is she’s a phenomenal, hands-on mom, and she does this show, which is an astounding amount of work. And to add directing to that, especially when she’s in the show, the logistics of it…is much more difficult.

BONES airs one more original episode this Friday at 8 PM, before returning on Monday, March 10th at 8 PM on Fox.


BONES: Fox Renews the Show for Season 10, Moves Back to Mondays
BONES: Hart Hanson, Stephen Nathan, and Tamara Taylor Weigh in On Season 10 Possibly Being the End of the Show
BONES: ‘The Heiress in the Hill’ Photo Preview

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12 Responses to “BONES: Stephen Nathan Teases Hodgins’ Life Being Upended, the ‘Substantial Cliffhanger’ to End the Season, a ‘Different’ Season 10, and More”

  1. ellen on January 30th, 2014 6:14 pm

    Hope SN knows most of us have seen RAINMAN. I’ll take TJ over cruz anyday

  2. Nancy on January 30th, 2014 11:02 pm

    Another storyline for Booth all but abandoned(CIA), but let’s have another Brennan episode about her never having a birthday party! Unbelievable!!

  3. Marisa Roffman on January 30th, 2014 11:23 pm

    @Nancy: For what it’s worth, the CIA story IS coming back, it just seems it won’t be Booth taking Danny up on the offer: (I’d imagine one of the first March eps, since the show is now off for February.)

  4. Missy on January 31st, 2014 12:26 am

    The CIA storyline is interesting, however, Brennan not ever having a birthday party is extremely sad. Dealing with that hurt will add to the development of her EQ (emotional IQ) which, unlike her Intelligence Quotient, is definitely NOT in the stratosphere. It would break my heart not having such wonderful memories of my own childhood…so why not Brennan’s? This is one more opportunity for Booth to embrace her with his love.

  5. Donna Harding on February 4th, 2014 7:13 pm

    Hodgins’ Life Being Upended, is a unique story but, he gave up his life last season and did not get much recognition for his humble act of surrendering his family fortune. His life lesson of true happiness is established. Hope he gets some breaks this season like discovering that Pilant did not steal all his fortune. Like the CIA story line is interesting and exciting episodes , however, karma, romance and family life with Brennan and Booth needs remain solid. What would be cool is Dr. Brennan’s graduate student at the start of the series Dr. Zack Addy (“Z-Man” ) “King of the Lab” return under strict supervision by Dr. Sweets. Concentrating on his Genius and his ability continue with a robotic hand. If not Zack than someone with this unique ability. Just b-lerting some Pos-Abilities brought to the Jeffersonian …

  6. Jack replogle II on February 5th, 2014 9:34 am

    I know I already commented on this before, but why do the writers always seam compelled to have Cam assert her authority I. Every episode ?
    She always has to remind everyone that she’s the boss. You would think by now they would know
    So come on writers come up with something new, please!
    Thanks a loyal viewer
    Jack Replogle

  7. Stephenie Ell on February 6th, 2014 12:34 am

    Has anyone considered that the character changing my be Angie?? She has complained for some time that she is unhappy with all the death, not being able to express her self artistically, wanting to be surrounded more by life and beauty rather than crime and horrific consequences of evil.

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