SALEM Bosses Brannon Braga and Adam Simon Preview the New WGN America Series - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, March 06, 2025

SALEM Bosses Brannon Braga and Adam Simon Preview the New WGN America Series

February 6, 2014 by  

WGN America is branching out to original scripted shows, and first up is SALEM, a reexamination of the infamous Salem witch trials, starring Shane West, Seth Gabel, Janet Montgomery, Ashley Madekwe, Xander Berkeley, Tamzin Merchant, and Elise Eberle.

The show may not debut until Sunday, April 20th, but I spoke with SALEM bosses Brannon Braga and Adam Simon about being the first scripted show on the network, any potential boundaries they might be facing, and more…


Do you think you’ll be checking out SALEM on WGN America?

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Filed under Salem


One Response to “SALEM Bosses Brannon Braga and Adam Simon Preview the New WGN America Series”

  1. on June 28th, 2014 3:01 am

    満州矢追純一・モルモン飛鳥昭雄・ハローバイバイ関・ムー・スピリチュアリスト・竹田恒泰・岡田英弘・渡部昇一・加瀬英明・小林よしのり・宮崎正弘  日本は日本文明だ。 
    スピリチュアリストは中華文明・インダス文明・エジプト文明・メソポタミア文明・白人は宇宙人が創ったことにしたいのです。 小林よしのり(レーニン小林)  有色人種を解放したけど白人の支配と華夷秩序に逆らった日本を決して許さなかった白人と中国人の報復感情まで満たしてやった日本人。