TROPHY WIFE: Sarah Haskins and Bradley Whitford Tease the Two-Part Wedding 'Saga' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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TROPHY WIFE: Sarah Haskins and Bradley Whitford Tease the Two-Part Wedding ‘Saga’

March 11, 2014 by  

TROPHY WIFE’s Kate and Pete got married before the show even started, but in tonight’s brand new episode, they’ll have the chance to have a proper wedding.

“We have a two-part wedding episode…that’s really fun,” TROPHY WIFE executive producer Sarah Haskins told reporters about “The Wedding.” “Kate discovers Pete’s old wedding tapes [for] his marriages to Diane and Jackie in the garage. And [Pete and Kate] eloped, but she kind of does want a wedding, even if she thought it was too girly [at the time] and wasn’t that kind of person, she realizes she wants a wedding. So it turns into a whole saga.”

And the episodes won’t just be about Pete and Kate’s relationship — viewers will actually get to see what Pete’s weddings to Jackie and Diane looked like via those tapes, an insight TROPHY WIFE star Bradley Whitford (Pete) appreciated.

“It was interesting for my character,” Whitford noted. “[It helped me] understand the boomerang marital choices I’ve made. And I learned exactly how it happened.”

Anyone else really excited to see what a Jackie wedding might look like?!

TROPHY WIFE airs Tuesdays at 9:30 PM on ABC.

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