ARROW: Andrew Kreisberg on Laurel's New Insight into Oliver - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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ARROW: Andrew Kreisberg on Laurel’s New Insight into Oliver

April 15, 2014 by  


ARROW’s Slade Wilson has been steadily laying the groundwork to properly get his revenge on Oliver, and in the last episode he delivered a double-whammy: he told Thea her birth father was actually Malcolm Merlyn, and informed Laurel that Oliver was The Arrow. And while viewers already got a little taste of how Thea will react to the news of her paternity, how Laurel will respond to the bombshell that was dropped on her is a bit of a question mark.

“I think Laurel has obviously had a very rough year,” ARROW executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told reporters. “When Slade told Laurel, he thought that was going to be yet another devastating death charge into Oliver’s life. And I think Laurel’s reaction into finding out the news — for one, not just taking it at face value, but being smart about it — and her emotional reaction to the news is surprising. I think most people assume she will react one way, and that she reacts a different way is great.”

“And it’s funny, because it was sort of the same experience with Colin Donnell’s character, Tommy, that once he knew, it changed his character so much,” Kreisberg continued. “There was just so much more you could write for him. And the way he looked at everything in the world, every scene with him suddenly became super-charged, even if it was a small scene that didn’t have much to do with the main plot. And Laurel, now that she knows, whenever she’s in a scene with somebody, her worldview has shifted and it’s different. I think Katie [Cassidy (Laurel)] has really risen to it. And it’s really exciting to see how it plays out in the last [few] episodes.”

Speaking of the next few episodes, I had the chance to watch the next two episodes, and have a few teases about what goes down:

  • The groundwork for the Oliver/Sara shift that ARROW executive producer Marc Guggenheim teased was coming is laid out.
  • Virtually the entire supporting cast gets at least one really good moment over the two episodes.
  • One of the two episodes is one of my all-time favorite ARROW episodes (so far).
  • It would be unwise to underestimate Laurel Lance.
  • We’ll get more insight into Summer Glau’s Isabel — and see her kick a little more butt.

(And there will be a lot more to say after each episode, so be sure to check back with Give Me My Remote after the episodes air.)

ARROW airs Wednesdays at 8 PM on The CW.


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Filed under #1 featured, Arrow


One Response to “ARROW: Andrew Kreisberg on Laurel’s New Insight into Oliver”

  1. itsarrowbaby on April 15th, 2014 1:55 pm

    Some interesting stuff in there – I’m not sure how I feel about all and sundry knowing Oliver’s identity, feels like they’re chipping away at the original premise of the show quite a lot. And people not knowing always leads to more humour, which the show kind of lacks lately.

    Anyway, Laurel has had a tough year – her character isn’t that popular and I get the impression the writers are still desperate for the audience to embrace her and love her, so I kind of feel revealing his identity to her so early is their last ditch attempt at changing that character to see if that finally makes her and Oliver interesting / palatable to the audience at large. We’ll see if it does – personally, I know that every Laurel-based spoiler has me rolling my eyes and sighing, ‘who cares?’.

    It’s going to take a lot to make me love her, and I hope they succeed, because they’re obviously hell bent on trying everything they can with her, and I want to continue loving what has become my favourite show.

    If I continue to feel the way I currently do about Laurel, and they keep pushing the romance between her and Oliver, which I find distasteful and insincere, compared to the lovely, natural and believable connection that I see between Oliver and Felicity, then I doubt I’ll still be watching come Christmas. I don’t mean to sound petulant, but I don’t want to be continually disappointed – better I leave the show to the people who love Oliver and Laurel, and want to see her in Team Arrow.