GMMR TV Awards: Most Disappointing Season - Vote Now! - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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GMMR TV Awards: Most Disappointing Season – Vote Now!

June 17, 2014 by  

After two weeks of Give Me My Remote readers nominating their television favorites from the past year, it’s time to vote for the 4th Annual GMMR TV Awards!

Most of the categories have five nominees, but due to ties, the number can vary. (And, as a reminder, each category can only have two nominees per show, so only the top two vote-getters from any particular series moved forward.)

Next up: “Most Disappointing Season.”

Take a look at your nominees and then vote for your choice below!

GMMR TV Awards: Most Disappointing Season

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And make sure to vote in all the other GMMR Awards categories here.

Want to make sure your pick takes the top spot? Tweet it! Tumblr it! Facebook it! “I just voted for [your choice of a disappointing series here] as Most Disappointing Season in the GMMR TV Awards: Vote now!”

Voting ends Friday, June 27th at 5 PM PT (8 PM ET), so happy voting!

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Filed under GMMR Awards


6 Responses to “GMMR TV Awards: Most Disappointing Season – Vote Now!”

  1. Denise Gideon on June 17th, 2014 2:28 pm

    Voted for Castle not so much for the whole season but the bits and pieces that made a blah season overall. Especially that horrid season six finale. I was so excited to hear Andrew Marlowe got the boot from being the show runner. His hack writing, and the smugness of his wife Terri Miller, has really bogged down the show. I am hoping now David Amann can put the show back on track.

    Power of the fans people – we expressed our displeasure of the season six finale and got results.

  2. LeighLee on June 18th, 2014 2:43 am

    Castle may have had a sucky finale, but the season overall was one of its best, imo. Loved all the serious episodes.

    Glee gets my vote. And taking Naya out of the finale made it even worse.

  3. Layla on June 19th, 2014 8:42 am

    Definetely Person of Interest! This season was sooooooooooo mega disappointing. They added this horrible Shahi and fired TPH. I sure as hell won’t watch this show ever again. I hope it will get cancelled soon!! Hate these arrogant Jonah Nolan!

  4. FF on June 19th, 2014 9:56 am

    New Girl and Castle both sucked so hard in their own ways this year I couldn’t choose which was worse, so I voted for each one of them.

  5. Jon on June 19th, 2014 7:00 pm

    Thanks so much for your thoughts, Layla, I agree with everything you said. Shahi’s a good actor, but her character is awful. TPH was one of the few strong women characters, imo, on TV, and they killed her off and replaced her with the ridiculous, cartoonish Shaw.
    Pity, though. It was an amazing show before they brought her on.
    I’m certainly not planning on watching Season 4.

  6. Beckstle on June 21st, 2014 1:42 pm

    Castle had the worst season finale, but definitely not the worst season. That’s what made the finale even worse. It started out shaky because of PI, but then we got all of the great Caskett steps forward with the wedding planning, the babysitting scenes, the return of the 3XK story, Lanie and Espo, that great dance, the Caskett strip poker, Beckett finally arresting her mom’s killer…and then they did that god-awful finale. (Still can’t believe someone thought that finale was a good idea.) The finale is the bathwater that needs to be thrown out – the season is the baby!