GMMR TV Awards: The Winners Revealed!
June 30, 2014 by Marisa Roffman
After weeks of nominations and voting, you have determined who should take home the fourth annual Give Me My Remote TV Awards!
Before we get to the winners, I want thank everyone who participated in our annual contest. Without your nominations and votes, it would just simply be me saying what I loved the most, and what fun is that? (And in case you think your vote might not have made a difference, while most winners won by hundreds — or thousands — of votes, one category was won by TWO votes.)
Which also means this is a good time to remind you that these winners are 100% decided by you, the Give Me My Remote readers, and some fan bases came out in droves (and mounted really impressive campaigns). So if you’re delighted by the winners, yay! I’m so happy to hear that. And if you’re disappointed, a) sorry, and b) hopefully you’re satisfied with at least one category.
So with all that being said, the winners of the fourth annual GMMR TV Awards are…
Or if you care about a specific category:
- Favorite actor (drama)
- Favorite actress (drama)
- Favorite actor (comedy)
- Favorite actress (comedy)
- Favorite returning comedy series
- Favorite returning drama series
- Favorite new comedy series
- Favorite new drama series
- Most improved series
- Most disappointing season
- Moment that made us repeatedly rewind our DVR
- Best season finale cliffhanger
- Worst season finale cliffhanger
- Best series finale (planned)
- Best series finale (unplanned)
- Worst series finale (planned)
- Worst series finale (unplanned)
- Best non-finale twist
- Worst non-finale twist
- Favorite line
- Favorite couple (together)
- Favorite couple (not together)
- Biggest tearjerker
- Most shocking death
- Character most in need of a storyline
- Character most in need of therapy
- We’re preemptively sorry you got robbed of an Emmy nod (male)
- We’re preemptively sorry you got robbed of an Emmy nod (female)
- Most anticipated new show for the 2014-2015 season
- Show we were most sorry to see go
Which winner(s) are you most excited about?
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Filed under #1 featured, GMMR Awards
So glad STANA won!!! After six seasons of CASTLE, SHE certainly deserve it!
And when the SERIES ends, I’ll still follow her career and wish her the very
BEST in both professional & personal endeavors. CONGRATULATIONS to you
MS.Stana KATIC! Please know that I’m your BIGGEST FAN !!!!!!!
oh come on, if someone was robbed from an emmy nom that’s jensen ackles. he manage to create one of the most multilayered characters ever existed on a tv show. + he does’nt need to say a word, his face & eyes speak volumes alone. he does drama like nobodys business, but he is also excalent in comedic moments too. if that aint emmy material don’t know what is
Pfffff !!! Castle, Castle, Castle ?!? Where is Bones?!? Not even one win ????? Pffffff again !
I´m so happy for Stana and Castle, it is an amazing show, i really proud to be a fan, they deserve all of the awards, i don´t think this season finale is bad, i really trust in Mr, Marlowe
Congrats! to Jensen Ackles’ and Favorite Actor win and Dean’s numerous character wins!! So well deserved. Love this man and the iconic character that he has created for us in Dean Winchester. *happy face*
Actually these awards are pretty close to being very accurate! IMO. Castle is a great show, Ms. Katic is a supurb actress and is perfect in the part of Beckett. As a couple on the screen Katic & Fillion are lightening in a bottle and they both could have easily been nominated for an emmy. At the same time, the critics are correct that the season 6 ending was very unsatisfactory, The character of Pi was not well received by the audience, Lanie should get more screen time etc. So while the fans love the show and the cast they also see that there is room for improvement. So all in all I am pleased with the results!
I was really annoying by discoverying the winner of those awards. Supernatural, castle, supernatural, castle, castle, castle again, supernatural….
Always the same show who win. I didn’t even watch Supernatural and I know with will be ean who need a therapy!
The only thing I’m agree about is Oliver & Felicity.
+ Once Upon a Time in Wonderland has the BEST serie finale (Planned) ever.
wow too many award for Castle well not bad the whole seasons and im looking forward for next season 7
The Supernatural and Castle fans really need to get a life. Is there ANY poll anywhere that thye don’t spam the crap out of?
Castle is the cheesiest show I’ve ever seen. They should move it to daytime. That’s where it belongs.
Congrats to Oliver & Felicity!
yay! love it! castle castle castle
stana my baby!
Did people just vote for Castle for everything? I enjoy the show, but no WAY ON EARTH is Castle the most improved drama. This was the worst season yet, with a TERRIBLE finale.
Castle won almost everything?!
The show is not bad, but it’s not that good! It deserves some of the awards, but not all of them!
I’m SO glad that for once Almost Human was mentioned! Probably one of the best shows this year and now it’s gone
This is the least efficient way to view the winners. Possible to put them all on one page? A list?