MANHATTAN: John Benjamin Hickey, Olivia Williams, Sam Shaw, and Thomas Schlamme Preview the New WGN America Series - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Sunday, March 16, 2025

MANHATTAN: John Benjamin Hickey, Olivia Williams, Sam Shaw, and Thomas Schlamme Preview the New WGN America Series

July 25, 2014 by  

WGN America’s second scripted series, MANHATTAN — which is about the 1940s-based Manhattan Project, which led to the creation of the atomic bomb — debuts this weekend, and not only is it gorgeous, but it’s also instantly compelling.

After the show’s recent Television Critics Association press tour panel, I spoke with series stars John Benjamin Hickey (Frank) and Olivia Williams (Liza) about what drew them to the series, and with creator Sam Shaw and director/executive producer Thomas Schlamme about the experience of making it…




MANHATTAN debuts Sunday, July 27th at 9 PM on WGN America.

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