YOU'RE THE WORST: Stephen Falk and Desmin Borges on Edgar's PTSD - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

YOU’RE THE WORST: Stephen Falk and Desmin Borges on Edgar’s PTSD

August 7, 2014 by  

youre-the-worst-desYOU’RE THE WORST — a great new FX comedy you should all be watching — is a show that lives in shades of grey. The characters might not be joyful good-doers, but they’re not, in actuality, the worst. Instead, they’re unapologetically themselves…which can make things difficult for the people around them.

Likewise, YOU’RE THE WORST isn’t a straight-forward comedy: sure, it’s wickedly funny at times, but the show also isn’t afraid to embrace the fact that life can be tough. Case in point: Edgar’s PTSD, which had been mentioned in the first few episodes, but is touched on a bit more in tonight’s brand new episode, “What Normal People Do.”

I spoke with YOU’RE THE WORST creator Stephen Falk and series star Desmin Borges (Edgar) about playing out Edgar’s PTSD on-screen, the research they did, and more…



YOU’RE THE WORST airs Thursdays at 10:30 PM on FX.


YOU’RE THE WORST: Aya Cash and Chris Geere on Their Not-All-Terrible Characters

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