RED BAND SOCIETY: Mandy Moore to Recur - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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RED BAND SOCIETY: Mandy Moore to Recur

September 12, 2014 by  

mandy-mooreSinger/actress Mandy Moore will be checking in to the new coming-of-age drama, RED BAND SOCIETY, Fox announced.

Moore will recur as Dr. Erin Grace, Chief of Staff at Ocean Park Hospital (where the series is centered). Oh, and she’s also Dr. McAndrew’s (Dave Annable) ex-fiancée. (Awkward.)

RED BAND SOCIETY follows the adventures of the patients of the pediatric ward of Ocean Park Hospital, and the doctors/nurses who take care of them. The series also stars Oscar-winner Octavia Spencer (who plays Nurse Jackson).

Are you excited to see Moore on RED BAND SOCIETY?

RED BAND SOCIETY premieres Wednesday, September 17th at 9 PM on Fox.

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