ONCE UPON A TIME Season 4 Premiere: ‘A Tale of Two Sisters’ You Ask, I Answer
September 23, 2014 by Marisa Roffman
ONCE UPON A TIME is getting FROZEN for the first half of season 4, and after viewing the season premiere, I wanted to answer a few of your questions.
Keep reading for some teases about the premiere…
I would love more hints as to this object Gold finds & more about this unexpected world; does it involve Rumbelle? – @Betsypaige24 via Twitter
The duo find the object on their honeymoon, but only Gold knows what it is — and he only reveals what it can do after Belle is asleep.
After the incredible high of getting back from the past safe and sound and realizing there’s a real spark between Hook & Emma – where are they standing this season, as far as the premiere? Is their relationship sitting on solid ground? – Maggie via email
Hook and Emma can’t quite pinpoint where their relationship stands, but that’s mostly because one of the characters is actively avoiding the topic. But the other character is persistent in pointing out that the topic can’t be avoided forever/there will always be emergencies to distract them.
I would love scoop on Hook/Emma and Robin/Regina please! – @Radames125470 via Twitter
Hook and Emma may not be totally gelling when it comes to their potential romance, but they are on top of things when they come face-to-face with a creature that neither of them has encountered before.
Things are a little less murky for Regina and Robin, though. There are photos out there of the immediate (and public) aftermath of the revelation that Marian is alive, but they do get a little bit of private time to assess the state of their relationship.
Can we get any scoop on Emma/Elsa friendship and Emma/Regina? – @Alex96401 via Twitter
Emma and Elsa don’t have significant interaction in the premiere — though it’s coming! — but Emma and Regina have a really emotional/powerful scene in the episode. The Emma and Regina scene is fairly one-sided, but it’ll likely tug at your heart.
Now that #Rumbelle are married, are they prepared for any of Rumple’s enemies that come their way? – @repeatlitanies via Twitter
Right now, the couple is very much in the honeymoon stage. It’s actually the most perfect honeymoon you could imagine for the duo. So for now, they don’t have too much to worry about.
And a few of my own teases…
- Georgina Haig is fantastic as Elsa.
- Giancarlo Esposito’s return as Sidney is delightful.
- Regina makes a proclamation that could lead to finding out an answer to one of the show’s big lingering questions.
ONCE UPON A TIME returns Sunday, September 28th at 8 PM on ABC.
ONCE UPON A TIME Season 4 Poster
ONCE UPON A TIME Season 4 Premiere: ‘A Tale of Two Sisters’ Photos
ONCE UPON A TIME Season 4 Photos: Meet the FROZEN Characters!
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Filed under #1 featured, Once Upon A Time
Someone hold me because #Rumbelle honeymoon!! I’m really intrigued for what comes from Rumple now?, since a storyline that was his center, be father of all the characters, died last season. Just like I can’t pinpoint what it’s gonna happen with him now, and I miss so much Robert magic in my TV. I missed Rumbelle too,so I’m gonna squezze the most of this partial happy moments ignoring things that the writers do – giggle -, because really, really I missed Rumple and Belle being dorks together.