On the Set of RED BAND SOCIETY: Take a Tour of the Set with Ciara Bravo - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Monday, March 17, 2025

On the Set of RED BAND SOCIETY: Take a Tour of the Set with Ciara Bravo

October 29, 2014 by  

red-band-society-thumb  There’s no new episode of RED BAND SOCIETY tonight — the show is preempted for World Series coverage (which also means it’s the perfect time for you to catch up if you’re not current on the series) — but I do have a little something special if you’re missing the series: a set tour led by RED BAND SOCIETY star Ciara Bravo (Emma)!

Check out Bravo’s tour of the show’s impressive hospital set…


RED BAND SOCIETY airs Wednesdays at 9 PM on Fox.

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Filed under Red Band Society


One Response to “On the Set of RED BAND SOCIETY: Take a Tour of the Set with Ciara Bravo”

  1. Redbandfan on November 1st, 2014 6:56 pm