BONES: Stephen Nathan on a Possible Season 11 and Whether They'll Write in Emily Deschanel's Pregnancy - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES: Stephen Nathan on a Possible Season 11 and Whether They’ll Write in Emily Deschanel’s Pregnancy

December 8, 2014 by  

bones-season-9-thumbBONES is about to celebrate its milestone 200th episode this week, and the people associated with the show are hoping there will continue to be life in the Fox drama beyond this year.

“All indications are that there probably will be [another season], but you never know until you know for a fact,” BONES executive producer Stephen Nathan told reporters on a conference call today. “We’re just going to keep moving forward, and I know [BONES creator] Hart [Hanson] and I have talked about this before. If we have to end it, we’ll end it. But it doesn’t seem like it’s ready to end.”

“10 seasons, what at the beginning was an inconceivable thought…when in the first 13 [episodes], we weren’t even sure if we’d have enough stories [for those],” he continued. “Here we are 200 episode later. The show has a lot of life in it. The show is not boring to do. We come in going, ‘We could do this or this.’ Which is remarkable in itself.”

As for what may (or may not) end up on the show, Nathan acknowledged that the writers are still debating whether to write BONES star Emily Deschanel’s real-life pregnancy into the show.

“We’re still talking about that,” he said. “It’s very difficult to hide a pregnancy. I think people know, and the show is as much about their relationship as much as it is about solving crimes. This is what happens in relationships, sometimes people have more children. It has worked with us before, and it might be an interesting new wrinkle. There will be people who disagree on doing it, [and] people who agree with it. It’s a lot like life. We just have to keep going forward in a way that seems truthful to us and hopefully enticing and enjoyable to the audience. That’s our job. As much as we listen to the fans, we can’t be ruled by the fans. We can only love the fans.”

– Reporting by Sarah Curtis

BONES airs Thursdays at 8 PM on Fox.


BONES: David Boreanaz Talks Directing ‘The 200th in the 10th’
Watch the Trailer for BONES’ 200th Episode
BONES: Michael Grant Terry Previews Wendell’s New Love Interest

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Filed under Bones


2 Responses to “BONES: Stephen Nathan on a Possible Season 11 and Whether They’ll Write in Emily Deschanel’s Pregnancy”

  1. Catherine on December 8th, 2014 2:12 pm

    Pretty meh on a BnB baby but will be livid if they have another baby and Parker is still never mentioned or shown. He is Booth’s first born, why is he NEVER acknowledged? Might be a good plotline to explore the forgotten children of former relationships.

  2. Ruth Ann Walker on December 8th, 2014 7:51 pm

    Yes, would love to see another addition to Booth family. And yes, yes, yes, for season 11 & more seasons to come after season 11. You have a great show with a fantastic crew & cast. This is actually best show on TV. Love B&B working cases, interrogations together, bantering with each other and more romance, cute little expressions they make to each other. They are a dinomite team together and light up the screen with their chemistry. Other cast members are great to, the whole team is like a 2nd family to us fans & they seem to really work together good and have fun. I love the blooper video’s, behind the camera shots, where they crack up and laugh at their own selves, we laugh out loud too. Keep up the good & awesome job you do, and most of all I am a fan that is very, very, thankful for all the hard work and long hours ( and taking away from your family)that you do, to give us your best, that’s why we love each & everyone, and as Brennan said to Booth, “We Are Right Here Beside You”, Supporting You. Ruth Ann