ORPHAN BLACK: Premiere Date, New Photo, and a Teaser Revealed - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Friday, March 14, 2025

ORPHAN BLACK: Premiere Date, New Photo, and a Teaser Revealed

December 18, 2014 by  

ORPHAN BLACK fans got quite a treat today: season 3 has a premiere date (Saturday, April 18th at 9 PM), plus, a new photo and teaser have been released.

Check them all out!


The official season 3 description: “BBC AMERICA’s Peabody Award-winning series Orphan Black is back and the first look at the new season is here!  The conspiracy thriller (10 x 60) stars award-winner, Tatiana Maslany, who returns to her unprecedented lead role as multiple clones. More vulnerable than ever before, Sarah, Cosima, Alison, and Helena’s bond will be put to the test with the reveal of highly trained, identical male-soldiers played by Ari Millen. Seen above, Sarah (Maslany) is about to embark on a tense face off with the lethal Rudy (Millen) in a Dyad prison cell.  The critically-acclaimed, action-packed series that sparked an inspired fan base named Clone Club, returns to BBC AMERICA, Saturday, April 18, 9:00pm ET.”  


Will you be watching ORPHAN BLACK season 3?

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Filed under Orphan Black

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