Sarah's Top 14 TV Episodes of 2014 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Monday, March 17, 2025

Sarah’s Top 14 TV Episodes of 2014

December 23, 2014 by  

For this year’s top shows/episodes of the year rankings, each member of Team Give Me My Remote will have their say! Next up, Sarah Curtis ranks her top episodes of 2014…

(Note: the shows in this post are listed in alphabetical order versus being ranked in preference.)

ARROW: 'The Calm'

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This much-hyped season three premiere lived up to the expectations, in my opinion. Back in early BONES seasons, Hart Hanson would describe the release of some sexual tension as "releasing the valve," and I think ARROW did a little bit of that in this premiere: it managed to continue the Oliver/Felicity angst (for lack of a better word) while moving the story forward in a way that honored both characters. And as promised, Sara’s death pushed the storylines for several subsequent episodes (and beyond).

Did your favorite episode make the cut?

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One Response to “Sarah’s Top 14 TV Episodes of 2014”

  1. Heather on December 23rd, 2014 5:00 pm

    “The Calm” was trash and Sara’s death pushed nothing. Stop buying the lines the producers are feeding you about that and examine how much of the season was really about Sara or her death. Hint: The answer’s 0%.