CSI: CYBER: The Cast Previews the Newest CSI Spinoff - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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CSI: CYBER: The Cast Previews the Newest CSI Spinoff

March 4, 2015 by  

CSI: CYBERCSI’s latest spinoff, CSI: CYBER, goes into a world the previous spinoffs had yet to touch: CYBER tackles the world of cyber analysts (specifically the Cyber Crime Division of the FBI).

“I thought it was a really interesting subject matter,” CSI: CYBER star Patricia Arquette (Agent Avery Ryan) told reporters on the show’s set. “We’ve seen cops with guns for a long time, solving crimes in pretty traditional ways. The original CSI really revolutionized things and [showcased] a different way of fighting crime, and a different part of law enforcement. But this is a whole other thing. I saw the world marching in another direction, and I thought there was so much about it I didn’t know, but I was interested in…as a citizen, I was interested. So I thought other people might be. And these guys, they know how to do it. They know how to entertain people and also educate people in what’s happening in the world.”

With technology constantly advancing, Arquette pointed out that provides ample room for stories to be told.

“We don’t even know what the hell is going on with these devices and the capability of these things,” she said. “It’s very cutting edge in law enforcement, not unlike the way forensics were at first with the first CSI. The ability to use these new devices, and ways of thinking, strategizing with these new technology to solve crime is really interesting. But also how criminals are twisting these new technologies in our lives for evil gains.”

“It’s the new frontier for sure,” CSI: CYBER star James Van Der Beek (Agent Elijah Mundo) added. “I think the book is still being written on how to portray it, and make it interesting. And that’s why I thought it was such a good idea for the CSI brain trust to tackle it. You’re dealing with stuff that happens in code, and in a machine [for] a lot of it, so how do you bring out the people behind those crimes? How do you make it understandable?”

For his part, Van Der Beek has delighted in getting to do a considerable amount of action for the show.

“I’ve actually been prepping this for quite a while,” he said. “When I was doing comedy, I kind of thought, ‘What’s the next step going to be?’ I trained in Krav Maga, I trained in Jujutsu; I was working at a stunt gym before I got this offer…this kind of came into my life at the perfect moment. There’s a lot of waking up at 5:30 in the morning and getting my workouts in so my body doesn’t fall apart when I’m doing all of this stuff, but I’m enjoying it.”

And for more on CSI: CYBER, check out what co-stars Charley Koontz (Agent Daniel Krumitz) and Shad Moss (Brody Nelson) shared…



CSI: CYBER premieres tonight at 10 PM on CBS.

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Filed under CSI: Cyber

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