Showtime Sets MASTERS OF SEX and RAY DONOVAN Premiere Date - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Showtime Sets MASTERS OF SEX and RAY DONOVAN Premiere Date

March 25, 2015 by  

MastersOfSex_207_0408-MASTERS OF SEX and RAY DONOVAN will return on Sunday, July 12th, Showtime announced.

On RAY DONOVAN (which will air at 9 PM), season 3 will find “Ray adrift from his family and those closest to him, while he focuses on his business and desires to be his own boss.  Meanwhile, his father Mickey (Jon Voight, in his Emmy-nominated and Golden Globe-winning role), who had narrowly escaped last season’s heist debacle, finds himself charting a similar course to build his own empire.  Joining the show this season are guest stars Ian McShane, Katie Holmes and Elliott Gould.”

On MASTERS OF SEX (which will air at 10 PM), season 3 will find the show in 1966, and “Masters (Michael Sheen) and Johnson (Lizzy Caplan) dealing with the glare of the national spotlight as their sex study is finally unveiled. It’s the start of the Sexual Revolution — and Masters and Johnson’s work will have a profound impact on contemporary relationships, especially their own evolving three-way “marriage” with Masters’ wife Libby (Caitlin FitzGerald).”

Are you excited for these returns?

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