PERSON OF INTEREST: Taraji P. Henson to Return for Guest Spot - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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PERSON OF INTEREST: Taraji P. Henson to Return for Guest Spot

April 6, 2015 by  


Well, this is freaking delightful: Taraji P. Henson (Carter) will appear in the April 14th episode of PERSON OF INTEREST, a rep for the show confirmed.

In the hour, Reese seeks to close a case Carter was never able to solve, and Henson will appear in flashback. (Carter was killed off in the show’s third season. Henson, of course, is now starring on Fox’s EMPIRE.)

The PERSON OF INTEREST producers had expressed interest in bringing back Carter via flashbacks from the moment the character died.“Taraji is up for it, and if we can find the right story that tells about a chapter we haven’t seen, that feels like a revelation for that character, we’ll definitely go there,” executive producer Greg Plageman said in 2013. “We point out that in this show, when we met Reese and Finch in the pilot, the two people they cared the most about were already dead — that was [Reese’s ex] Jessica and [the Machine co-creator] Nathan Ingram — and yet we were able to show those bonds in flashbacks and people found those characters really rewarding. And I think if there’s an opportunity where we can do that with Detective Carter, we’ll do it.”

For her part, Henson shared that she was touched by the impact Carter’s death continued to have on fans.

“Isn’t that something?” Henson said late last year. “It blows me away. And it reminds me of why I got into acting; I do this because I feel like God gave me a gift. My father always said if you’re blessed, you have to go out into the world and be a blessing. I get to touch people and give them a cathartic experience. Or let them see a little bit of themselves. Or see somebody who needs help. So when I get this feedback from people saying Carter has touched their lives, I get goosebumps and I get emotional. Because that’s all I want to do. That’s why I do what I do….I had no idea [her death would mean so much]. I had no idea. And it blows me away. And to this day, I’ll tweet something about something else, and [fans] will be like, ‘Oh, that’s really great…WE REALLY MISS YOU ON PERSON OF INTEREST!’…it keeps coming back.” was first to report Henson’s return.

PERSON OF INTEREST airs Tuesdays at 10 PM on CBS.


PERSON OF INTEREST: Jonathan Nolan and Greg Plageman Tease the Team’s Struggles Post-Shaw, the Return of the Brotherhood, and More

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