BONES 206: The Show Reaches Out - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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BONES 206: The Show Reaches Out

April 29, 2015 by  

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The BONES 200th episode was such a huge milestone and production that it’s no wonder the 206th episode may come and go with a bit less fanfare. But, as fans, we know that the 206th is special—after all, there are 206 bones in the human body! With that in mind, we wanted to do a little something special to mark the occasion.

We found a list of all 206 bones (thank you Wikipedia!) and were surprised to learn that all of the bones can be grouped into five categories: vertebral column, chest, head, arm, and leg. From there, we assigned each category a show representation:

  • Vertebral Column (What’s the backbone of the show?)
  • Chest (What are the defining emotions or heart of the show?)
  • Head (What is unique in terms of the show’s smarts and respect of intelligence?)
  • Arm (What’s the show’s outward focus; how does BONES affect culture?)
  • Leg (What has carried the show over the long haul?)

Between now and when the 206th episode airs (Thursday, April 30th), we’ll be covering one category per day. We have our thoughts, and we also have input from some of the cast and crew of the show. We’ve covered the backbone , the heart , and the head of the show, and now it’s time to talk about the show’s outward focus.

Arms: What is the show’s outward focus; how does BONES affect culture?

Sarah: There are two things that come to my mind in this category.

  • International fanbase: BONES is the first fandom I’ve ever really been involved in, and I think the show has had the unique opportunity (for better or worse) of taking place at the same time social media really took off. It’s created a successful path for a connected fandom and has allowed BONES fans from all over the world to come together and share love for the show. The Bones fandom is a well-known one — have you ever noticed how other shows try to appeal to fans? For me, meeting new people has been tremendously meaningful in my life, and I hope many other people have had the same experience of getting to know really neat people online.
  • Raising awareness: In its early years, BONES cases were more serious (and at times more meaningful), but in the past few years, the show has done a great job taking on several causes. From sexual assault to human trafficking to Neurofibromatosis to Veterans affairs, the show has used its influence to make a difference and take a stand on important issues and causes.

Marisa: BONES has gotten lighter over the years, but in some ways, that almost makes the serious hours even more impactful. This season alone has touched on the realities of addiction (a storyline that’s just beginning to play out), the unexpected death of a friend, human trafficking, and the unrest in Iran. The fun, goofy hours can be delightful, but thinking about the show and its legacy, the hours that will stick out to me are the ones that touch on social/real issues. (Heck, I get chills thinking about “The Patriot in Purgatory.”) The writers have used their own passions (and experience) to bring awareness to causes that deserve to have a spotlight shone on them. (Such as BONES writer Michael Peterson penning an hour that raised awareness for neurofibromatosis, a disease his daughter has.) A television show gives writers a massive platform to use. And while it’s understandable that the top priority is entertainment, it’s impressive how many times the show has been utilized it for the better good.

Now that you’ve heard from us, what do you say? What do you see is the show’s outward focus–and how has BONES affected culture?  And don’t forget to come back tomorrow!

BONES airs Thursdays at 8 PM on Fox.


BONES 206: Brains and More!
BONES 206: The Heart of the Show
BONES 206: The Backbone of the Show
BONES: Hart Hanson on Why Episode 206 Will Just Be a ‘Good, Solid’ Hour
BONES: ‘The Lost in the Found’/’The Verdict in the Victims’ Photos

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Filed under Bones


One Response to “BONES 206: The Show Reaches Out”

  1. Raquel Luciana on April 29th, 2015 2:27 pm

    I love both of your points o view. Bu i need add that when we watch Bones we kind feeling we’re not just watching a ordinary entertaining tv show. All the stories the victims and the characters aware us of the issues of the world day by day. For me, the warm fuzzy feeling we have on the end of every episode, how the characters on their own way reassure us there really good people in this world besides groesome murder.