HEROES REBORN Mystery: Who is Dylan Bruce Playing? - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, February 20, 2025

HEROES REBORN Mystery: Who is Dylan Bruce Playing?

July 17, 2015 by  

Credit: NBCUniversal

Credit: NBCUniversal

With HEROES REBORN just a few months away, NBC has been good about showcasing trailers, teases, etc., to give little previews about what’s to come in the event series.

But there is still one thing that is being kept top-secret: Dylan Bruce’s character.

When his appearance on the show was first announced, nothing was said about who he would be playing. And while Bruce did press for the show at Comic-Con, he shared he couldn’t even say his character’s name.

So who the heck is this guy Bruce is playing? He and HEROES creator Tim Kring offered a few teases…



HEROES REBORN premieres Thursday, September 24th at 8 PM on NBC.


HEROES REBORN Extended Trailer, Synopsis Revealed
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HEROES REBORN Adds Original Series Star Sendhil Ramamurthy

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Filed under Heroes Reborn

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