CASTLE: Jack Coleman Previews Bracken's Return - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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CASTLE: Jack Coleman Previews Bracken’s Return

August 13, 2015 by  

Credit: ABC

Credit: ABC

Jack Coleman is going to have a busy, busy fall.

In addition to reprising his role of HRG on NBC’s HEROES REBORN, Coleman will also pop back up on ABC’s CASTLE as Senator Bracken — the man Beckett put away for his role in her mother’s murder — for a mysterious early season guest spot.

“He is a link to a deep dark story that is about to unveil itself,” Coleman teased to reporters after the HEROES REBORN TCA panel. “And he is not in a great place, when we revisit Senator Bracken. He’s a long way from the smug guy in the nice suit.”

And, naturally, his story is tied to Beckett’s once again.

“Always involving Beckett, because that’s the mythology,” he said. “I’ve had such a great time working with Stana [Katic (Beckett)]. She’s just a doll. And so is Nathan [Fillion (Castle)], the whole cast: Jon [Huertas (Esposito)] and Seamus [Dever (Ryan)]. [But] Bracken and Beckett are intrinsically linked.”

Do you have any theories about what brings Bracken back?

Filed under Castle


5 Responses to “CASTLE: Jack Coleman Previews Bracken’s Return”

  1. lynn on August 14th, 2015 12:58 am

    I don’t care what brings him back just as long as he comes back!! He and Stana Katic are just terrific together. They play off each other so very well and their performances together are just terrific. A pleasure to watch such great talent do their thing!!

  2. CastleBuzz on August 14th, 2015 1:29 am

    Completely agree with Lynn above. They’re mesmerizing together. Also looking forward to another deep dark story.

  3. Gina Talty on August 14th, 2015 8:46 am

    “Kate, I am your father.”

  4. Teri on August 14th, 2015 9:01 am

    Maybe Bracken had an affair with Johanna Beckett or he was in love with her? Love the Bracken story and anything that gives Stana a way to show her acting chops is just awesome to watch!

  5. Beckstle on August 14th, 2015 12:55 pm

    Coleman and Katic are two great actors who are awesome together on screen. They should do a movie at some point. I’m glad he’s coming back. The story sounds intriguing. It’s the first good news I’ve heard about the upcoming season.