About Last Night...HEROES REBORN, SCANDAL, HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


September 25, 2015 by  

Credit: NBC

Credit: NBC

Thursday TV marked the return of TGIT and NBC’s series premieres. (Fox, CBS, and CW had reruns and sports, so this is the calm before the storm.)

Let’s talk about what went down…

HEROES REBORN: I am very, very, very curious how these two hours read to someone who hadn’t seen the show before.

I watched nearly all of the NBC series when it originally aired, and then rewatched the entire series before the revival. In some ways, it definitely helped to have that history so close to the surface of my memory. On the other hand, I absolutely thought at least a dozen times during the first two hours about how things were playing to newbies. Did the impact of who Claire was and what she meant to the people with powers come across? Did the improbability of her death land? (I was also really bummed to hear that HRG/Claire hadn’t spoken in four years. Given everything they did for each other before she revealed her powers, that’s a hard pill to swallow.)

When the first trailers for the show came out, I was intrigued by the idea of HRG/Noah being wiped by the Haitian…but I also assumed, incorrectly, that it would be everything. Why would only the events of Odessa be wiped? Why not lose the loss of his daughter?

It’s an unusual — and kind of jarring — directional shift to have HRG be so uninformed. Viewers didn’t always know what his agenda was, but he almost always knew more than us. To have HRG be as wholly in the dark is a bit strange.

That being said, Robbie Kay’s Tommy was a high point of the new people with powers. And I’m curious to see where the revival goes.

SCANDAL: The parallels between the dead princess and Princess Diana bothered me. It might be too touchy, but yikes. Did her death have to be via a car crash in a tunnel?

Kind of hate that Olivia lying to protect her newly resumed relationship with Fitz put another strain in her relationship with Abby; the Gladiators are so fractured as it is. Alas. Guessing they’ll put on more of a united front now that Olivia and Fitz’s relationship has been outed.

Also, Guillermo Diaz continues to be one of the most underrated actors on TV.

HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER: Wow, what a premiere. Not only did the reveal of Rebecca’s killer shock me (she might have been the third last person I guessed as the killer, after Annalise and Wes), but Annalise and Eve’s relationship was a fun/interesting wrinkle.

Obviously the show isn’t going to kill off Annalise, but very curious to see what led to that two months later flash forward where she’s been shot.

THE PLAYER: It’s…fine? That almost feels rude, but it was nice, and fun, and very much reminded me of PERSON OF INTEREST in Vegas. It was a pilot-y pilot, so curious to see what episode 2 looks like.

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