THE LAST MAN ON EARTH: Chris Miller Previews Season 2 - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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THE LAST MAN ON EARTH: Chris Miller Previews Season 2

September 25, 2015 by  

Credit: Patrick McElhenney/FOX

Credit: Patrick McElhenney/FOX

THE LAST MAN ON EARTH’s central couple — Phil and Carol — left Tucson at the end of last season as Phil was exiled by the residents, and Carol opted to go with him.

“There’s obviously a new dynamic between the two of them, and they’re trying to make it work,” THE LAST MAN ON EARTH executive producer Chris Miller shared. “I think you saw Phil hit his rock bottom last season, so now you’re getting the chance to see a Phil who isn’t a different guy, but the difference is he’s trying to be a better person. Where in the first season, he wasn’t trying; he would try for a little bit, and then then go now.”

The exile will also allow the series to expand in its sophomore year.

“A big plan for this season was to open the show up more, and take more advantage of the concept — the empty canvas at your disposal,” Miller noted. “Being stuck in one little cul-de-sac, it was feeling a little bit claustrophobic…giving [the characters] the ability to [go out and] do anything is really exciting. We will take advantage of that with new locations. Most of the season does not take place in Tucson.”

One place at least part of the season will take place? In space! The first season finale revealed that Phil’s brother (played by Jason Sudeikis) is alive, in space, and Fox confirmed over the hiatus that he will guest star in the upcoming year.

“He’s going to be in a bunch,” Miller teased. “We have exciting plans for him. I can’t really say exactly how many, but he’s going to be in several episodes, and it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

Miller was even more coy about whether former SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE cast mates Will Forte (Phil) and Sudeikis might share any scenes together via flashbacks

“It would be a shame to have those two guys — with the rapport and chemistry they have — and not have the opportunity to see them interact,” Miller allowed.

“One thing we really want to keep doing is surprising the audience,” he continued. “There will be twists and turns. They don’t always have to be [that] a new person arrives, or a cow. There may be some additions and subtractions throughout the season, but there’s also changes in dynamic, things you weren’t expecting. Following that pattern, every episode will give you something that is surprising and keep the audience on their toes.”

THE LAST MAN ON EARTH premieres Sunday, September 27th at 9:30 PM on Fox.


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