About Last Night...BONES, SLEEPY HOLLOW, SCANDAL, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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About Last Night…BONES, SLEEPY HOLLOW, SCANDAL, and More

October 2, 2015 by  

Credit: Fox

Credit: Fox

Thursday television is already crazy — and CBS/CW aren’t even in the mix yet.

Let’s talk about what went down…

BONES: Honestly, it’s hard for me to talk about this episode since I’ve seen part two, and that knowledge shaped a lot of how I feel about this arc. (Sarah Curtis had an amazing recap you should read, though.) A few quick thoughts:

  • With Booth losing his brother (and Pops), he has gone through a lot in the past year. I don’t want him miserable forever, but I do hope that grief gets explored appropriately.
  • Brennan examining “Booth’s” remains was extraordinary. What a beautiful homage to that relationship.
  • Booth’s reasons for lying make sense, but I wish it hadn’t come so soon after his gambling relapse. (Both in the show and in life.)
  • I loved Kim Raver’s Agent Miller.

HEROES REBORN: A fine, not great episode? Very, very curious how Luke’s powers will impact his marriage (and evo murder spree).

SCANDAL: “Yes.” Wow. Honestly, when I saw the episode title a few weeks ago, I assumed it would be Fitz proposing to Olivia. I love that the show shocked me, both with my assumptions before and even during the episode. Also, the SCANDAL cast is so consistently good, I think that quality is often taken for granted.

SLEEPY HOLLOW: Ichabod, Abbie, and Jenny were fabulous. I loved the growth in Abbie, and as much as it tortured Ichabod, him in jail and later experiencing the colonial times restaurant were amazing moments.

But here’s the thing — the show is trying something ambitious this year. With the simultaneous year-long Big Bad (Pandora) and flashback “twistory” story (Betsy Ross), there’s no room for either of those characters/arcs to be weak. At least with monsters of the week/flashbacks in the previous seasons, the newbies were one-offs. I actually liked the start of both the BB/twistory stories. That being said, I couldn’t help but think of ARROW, and how difficult it is trying to establish a (good) season-long flashback arc.

We’ll see. At this point, I’ve seen as much as you have. I hope this big swing pays off.

HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER: It’s fun to have Eve on the show — no one has shaken Annalise the way Eve has, and it’s fascinating to see her in that light. But, man, Connor was SO in the wrong to reveal that Oliver was HIV-positive.

What did you think about last night’s TV?

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Filed under About Last Night


One Response to “About Last Night…BONES, SLEEPY HOLLOW, SCANDAL, and More”

  1. anon on October 3rd, 2015 9:04 am

    I absolutely agree with your Bones take. The show rarely let’s Booth voice his pain or give him time to deal with trauma, he has to get over things by the next ep

    I thought it was an excellent opening, the showrunners hit the road running, the only fly in the ointment for me was Aubrey’s unrealistic promotion in 6mts, he’s a junior agent who 1 yr ago had never even worked a special crimes case and now he’s taken over the role of a seasoned and senior agent, and further insult they had him take over Booth’s office too….have they forgotten that Booth was actually Head of special crimes, that position only goes to a FBI agent with years of experience who earned their stripes, hence why he had the office to separate him from the bullpen

    Prior, you asked Michael Peterson this very valid question – –

    What can you say about the balance to showcase how the Jeffersonian was getting by in Brennan’s absence, without minimizing Brennan’s input or making Arastoo, who has stepped in for her, look terrible? – –

    and I wish someone would ask Peterson a similar question about Aubrey’s elevation within the FBI and how this doesn’t dilute and diminish Booth’s role, status of LEAD and contribution to the show when he returns. Cos from what I am seeing they are overselling Aubrey and underselling Booth. Meaning, they have put Booth in the position that he is absolutely replaceable on Bones, anyone, even a junior FBI agent can do his job and take over his role within the team, that he brings nothing to the table that Aubrey can’t. How is this not insulting and demeaning to Booth?

    Hart & Stephen always highlighted that Booth was the best in his field, the best the FBI had, why do I have a sinking feeling that Collier & Peterson don’t and they have no problem degrading Booths FBI status on the show to elevate Aubrey? I have read ep 3 spoilers which actually feeds into this fear – humilate Booth, Aubrey ranks higher on Booth’s return, while he sits out in the bullpen whilst Aubrey is lording it in Booth’s office, I dont find this funny. They would never humilate Brennan like this, they go to great lengths to tell and show that Brennan is the greatest, nobody can replace her, she doesn’t have to return to the show a lower status than when she left

    Sorry for the ramble, watching the premier really hit it home to me just how hard they are trying to turn Aubrey into a poor 2.0 version of Booth to the deteriment of the real Booth (even forcing Caroline & Aubrey relationship, really show REALLY? Can’t Booth have anything that is special to him?) I find it insulting tbh. 🙅🙇😤