About Last Night...THE FLASH and IZOMBIE - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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About Last Night…THE FLASH and IZOMBIE

October 7, 2015 by  

Credit: -- Jordon Nuttall/The CW

Credit: — Jordon Nuttall/The CW

Let’s talk about Tuesday night TV!

[As a reminder, I’m going to be in New York for about a week, so I’ll still be doing these ALNs, but they’ll more heavily focus on anything I have screener access to.]

THE FLASH: I just freaking love this show. It seems like the show is take a big, big, big swing this year with its storytelling, and I’m very curious how it gels — not only does the show itself have to work with the complicated storytelling it’s undertaking, but it has to funnel into LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, and not get too out of sync with ARROW. That’s a whole lot of things to juggle.

Meanwhile, I was delighted Henry got out of jail…but kind of baffled he instantly moved away? I get he doesn’t want to interfere in his son’s life, but goodness, after all that time in jail, he doesn’t want to stay and catch up for a month or two?!

IZOMBIE: This may have been my least favorite Liv brain. (And a weird way to open up the season — Liv can be so many different things on these brains, and if someone was just tuning in, they saw a racist, cranky person.) But I love the Major twist, and am excited to see how that plays out. (I want to say more, but I also don’t want to spoil episode 2…I’ll have a lot to say next week.)

What did you think of last night’s TV?

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