BOSCH: Titus Welliver Teases Season 4
April 13, 2018 by Marisa Roffman

Credit: Amazon
BOSCH is back—all ten episodes of the fourth season are streaming now on Amazon Prime–and the drama is taking on Michael Connelly’s 1999 novel, “Angels Flight.” (“Flight” is the sixth book in Connelly’s Harry Bosch series; the Amazon series has also already been renewed for a fifth season.)
When season 3 wrapped up, Bosch (Titus Welliver) was convinced that he had finally found his mother’s killer: Walker (John Getz), the head of the police commission. But when season 4 kicks off, Bosch will have other pressing issues on his plate.
“[We open with] Howard Elias, who is this civil rights attorney who is representing a man who’s been tortured in police custody, who is going to settle with the city,” Welliver told reporters. “At the 11th hour, he reneges on that, and decides it’s going to go to trial. Obviously it’s not good news—he must have some sort of smoking gun or some kind of evidence that will get a larger settlement if not, destroy many people’s careers. He is shot to death on [the downtown Los Angeles trolley] Angels Flight.”
However, figuring out who committed the murder won’t be easy. “Many people have gripes with Harold Elias and many motives to [have killed him], possibly by a police officer,” Welliver explained. “Chief Irving assigns Bosch to lead the task force and the investigation into the murder. It’s not a great place for Harry to be—it places him at odds with his own department, as well as the community. But we wouldn’t have it any other way. If we didn’t have all those plates to spin, it wouldn’t be BOSCH. That’s ground zero for the beginning of this season.”
“There’s potential for the city to explode with this case: the fact that a white detective has been assigned to investigate a prominent figure in the African-American community has got people upset,” he continued. “But Irving has done this because he knows Harry will sweep any bias aside and work the case.”
Will you be watching BOSCH season 4?
BOSCH, Season 4, Now Streaming, Amazon Prime
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