TIMELESS Stars Abigail Spencer and Matt Lanter on the Show’s Passionate Fans
May 12, 2018 by Marisa Roffman

Credit: Patrick Wymore/NBC
Last May, NBC canceled TIMELESS after its first season. The fans were vocal about the loss, and the network (along with the show’s studio, Sony) quickly worked out a deal to bring the show back.
Now, as the second season draws to a close, the series once again has an uncertain fate. (Though the fans are expressing their love/hope for the show on Twitter with #RenewTimeless.)
But what has that fan enthusiasm meant to the people associated with the series? TIMELESS stars Matt Lanter (Wyatt) and Abigail Spencer (Lucy) spoke with reporters about the passionate “Clockblockers.”
TIMELESS, Season Finale, Sunday, May 10, 9/8c, NBC
TIMELESS: Abigail Spencer, Matt Lanter, and Mari-An Ceo on Influencing the Series
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