AMERICA'S GOT TALENT Judges on Surprising Acts and an Influx of Singers - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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AMERICA’S GOT TALENT Judges on Surprising Acts and an Influx of Singers

June 12, 2018 by  


The AMERICA’S GOT TALENT judges (Heidi Klum, Simon Cowell, Mel B, Howie Mandel). ;Credit: Evans Vestal Ward/NBCUniversal

Even 13 seasons in, the AMERICA’S GOT TALENT hopefuls still manage to surprise judges Mel B, Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, and Howie Mandel.

“There are two guys who make noises with their stomachs, for example,” Klum told reporters in the video below. “They’re really talented and kind of hilarious. Some people may think ‘Why would you let that through?’ But some people just make us laugh.”

“But, the truth is, I can’t tell you how many times our jaws just hit the table,” Mandel added. “Just when you think you’ve seen everything, you ain’t seen nothing yet. There’s no boundary to what that human spirit can come up with. Maybe it’s just a matter of time. What I’ve found is a lot of people in the world have a lot of free time…and the result ends up on AMERICA’S GOT TALENT.”

The current season comes as AMERICAN IDOL has returned, and Fox has its own singing competition (THE FOUR). But the AMERICA’S GOT TALENT judges think the increased competition has actually helped bring more talent to their series. “If you’re a great singer and you want to enter and get this kind of exposure, you have a better chance on AMERICA’S GOT TALENT than a singing competition,” Mandel pointed out. “You’re not competing against every singer.”

Check out more from the judges in the video below!



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