STAR TREK DISCOVERY Finds its New Spock - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Sunday, March 16, 2025


August 14, 2018 by  

STAR TREK DISCOVERY has found its new Spock in Ethan Peck. (Peck is perhaps best known to television fans from the 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU series.)

“Through 52 years of television and film, a parallel universe and a mirror universe, Mr. Spock remains the only member of the original bridge crew to span every era of Star Trek,” executive producer Alex Kurtzman said in a statement. “The great Leonard Nimoy, then the brilliant Zachary Quinto, brought incomparable humanity to a character forever torn between logic and emotion. We searched for months for an actor who would, like them, bring his own interpretation to the role. An actor who would, like them, effortlessly embody Spock’s greatest qualities, beyond obvious logic: empathy, intuition, compassion, confusion, and yearning.”

“Ethan Peck walked into the room inhabiting all of these qualities, aware of his daunting responsibility to Leonard, Zack, and the fans, and ready to confront the challenge in the service of protecting and expanding on Spock’s legacy,” Kurtzman continued. “In that spirit, we’re thrilled to welcome him to the family.”

Peck also spent time with the Nimoy family—Leonard passed away in 2015—and posted his own thanks to them after news of his casting was released.

Are you excited to see Peck as Spock?

STAR TREK DISCOVERY returns early 2019.

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Filed under Star Trek: Discovery

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