About Last Night…’Elseworlds,’ THE SIMPSONS, CHARMED, and More
December 10, 2018 by Marisa Roffman

BOB’S BURGERS: A group of angsty teenagers take over Louise, Gene and Tina’s usual sledding territory, inciting an epic turf war in the “Better Off Sled” episode of BOB’S BURGERS airing Sunday, Dec. 9 (8:30-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB’S BURGERS™ and © 2018 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CR: FOX
Let’s talk about Sunday night’s TV!
THE SIMPSONS: I’m glad Homer knocked himself out versus flat-out messing up and letting Marge down. If he had overslept or gone to Moe’s—or something else that Homer would be likely to do—it would have just been really sad…and her comment about not wanting to be mad at him at the holiday time felt really pointed. I know the show isn’t going to do anything about it (and certainly nothing they’ve encountered this year is objectively worse than what they’ve dealt with in the past 29 seasons), but there have been a number of comments about how Marge is hurting and she just lets go and has to forgive Homer. If this was a different kind of show, I’d think this was foreshadowing for a break-up.
THE FLASH (“Elseworlds”): It was so great to have Lois Lane on “Elseworlds.” (And that SMALLVILLE homage was hilarious.) Barry and Oliver training each other to learn their new powers was hysterical, as was Barry’s glee over finally getting one over on his mentor.
BOB’S BURGERS: Poor Linda…all she wanted to do was knit.
I loved how Louise was trying to protect herself from the bullies with kitchen equipment…and that Tina and Gene came to help her out.
CHARMED: Wow, I’m actually impressed with how much the show blew things up in its midseason finale. Galvin seemingly knows something is going on—that portal to Hell was hard to miss—and Maggie now knows the truth about Parker. (Also, poor Harry is now MIA in Hell.)
I didn’t watch the original CHARMED, but if Parker ends up being the Source of All Evil…that’ll be a big old mess. (I know that character was an aspect of the original series, but I don’t know whether it was the series-long Big Bad, whether it had ties to the sisters, etc.)
FAMILY GUY: The tribute to Angela/Carrie Fisher was lovely.
It’s interesting that FAMILY GUY and THE SIMPSONS acknowledged each other on the same night: THE SIMPSONS with its FAMILY GUY World cutaway at the amusement park, and FAMILY GUY with its inclusion of Smithers and Burns watching Peter work at the Springfield power plant.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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