HANNA: Mireille Enos on Her Reunion with THE KILLING’s Joel Kinnaman
February 13, 2019 by Marisa Roffman

Credit: Amazon
Prime Video’s HANNA adaptation—inspired by Joe Wright’s 2011 film about a young assassin (played by
But for television fans, the series also marks the reunion of THE KILLING stars Joel Kinnaman and Mireille Enos, who play enemies Erik and Marissa on the streaming show.
“Working together on THE KILLING was a joyous experience,” Enos said during the show’s Television Critics Association panel. “It’s like catching lightning in a bottle.”
The duo vowed on their final day of filming together on THE KILLING to work together again in a very different project—but initially planned to be around a decade removed from their drama, which wrapped up in 2014. “[But HANNA] seemed like such a gem of an opportunity,” Enos explained.
Producers walked a delicate line with how much to allow Kinnaman and Enos on-screen together, because their characters naturally shouldn’t be spending a lot of time together, but “there’s a very special [encounter] in episode 4,” executive producer David Farr teased.
Intrigued? Check out the trailer for HANNA season 1…
HANNA, Series Premiere, March 29, Prime Video
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