About Last Night...ONE CHICAGO, JANE THE VIRGIN, SEAL TEAM, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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March 28, 2019 by  

CHICAGO MED: 'The Space Between Us' Photos

CHICAGO MED — “The Space Between Us” Episode 417 — Pictured: Yaya DaCosta as April Sexton — (Photo by: Elizabeth Sisson/NBC)

Let’s talk about Wednesday’s TV!

CHICAGO MED: I haven’t seen FIVE FEET APART yet, but the CF storyline felt very much in that world. And April was really great under pressure, but, uh, yeah, of course.

Man, remember when Ava was competent and not just jealous of everyone in Connor’s circle?

RIVERDALE: Oy, Cheryl being lured in by the cult is sad, but also totally predictable. But, also, WTF is making those people see lost dead loves ones? Drugs? Power of suggestion?

CHICAGO FIRE: Can you imagine if that break room redo stuck??

Stella was so, so, great. I loved the drawing the kids did of her saving the day. (And the guys insisting on cheering up Brett was pretty perfect.)

JANE THE VIRGIN: Michael is alive! Yes, it’s super soapy, but I’m relieved if they were going to bring Brett Dier back, it wasn’t a) a lookalike and b) it wasn’t Michael, intact, but in witness protection or something like that.

Gina Rodriguez nailed that insane monologue. I can’t imagine the work it put into nailing all that dialogue (and she also directed it), especially since a lot of it was very fast talking.

CHICAGO P.D.: Voight being the true target was a bittersweet twist—ugh, and his reaction when he was trying to get his former contact to turn himself in and wasn’t able to talk him out of suicide by cop was rough.

SEAL TEAM: So, was that really Lisa’s last mission with the team? On one hand, I don’t want it to be. On the other, I want her to actually succeed, so I’m torn.

WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS: The energy vampire is EVERYTHING. By far the biggest laugh of the episode was him explaining his powers. (We all know people like that.)

Which shows did you watch last night?

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